Neville Goddard Techniques (7 most powerful and effective techniques)
Here's a list of Neville Goddard's most effective and powerful techniques of all time. These techniques have stood the test of time guys.
#2 The assumption technique
#3 The revision technique
#4 The exploding breath technique
#5 The congratulation technique
#6 The telephone technique
Neville started lecturing way back in the 1930s and took the world by storm. His ideas about reality and creation were something unheard of at the time. His teachings are still rocking the world up until now and I can tell you for a fact that these techniques have been used by millions if not billions of people ever since to create the lives of their dreams.
I will cover each technique in detail and I will show you how you can begin using each one immediately to create any reality that you desire.
Like I've already said, these techniques have been proved to work countless times and all you need to do is be very deliberate about what you desire to create and then get right to it.
You can find one particular technique that works best for you and use it consistently. My personal favourite of all time is the breath explosion technique and I use it all the time. You can even use all of them if you like, it's all up to you. All these techniques work!
#1 Living in the end technique
"This technique never fails" that's what Neville's mentor who was an Ethiopian rabbi called Abdullah told him.
"The old man told me it would never fail, even after it happened I could hardly believe that it would not have happened anyway. That's how strange this whole thing is. On reflection, it happens so naturally you begin to feel or tell yourself that it would have happened anyway." Neville Goddard Lecture excerpts
It was back in 1933 during the great depression and Neville had a desire to go back to the island of Barbados where he was born to escape all the hardships. The problem was, he had no money - he was virtually penniless. So, Abdullah gave him instructions on how to live in the end of his desire fulfilled.
Who exactly was this mysterious man called Abdullah find out more.
What is Living in the end?
Living in the end is a technique of creating your desire where you see the world the way you would see it were your desire a fact right now. It's seeing the world from the point of view of yourself having achieved your desire.
Living in the end is choosing to ignore your reality the way it's presented to you right now and seeing it the way you want to see it. So, ask yourself, "If my desire were a fact right now, how would I see the world?"
Here's a word of caution, there's a wide difference between thinking of what you want and thinking from what you want.
Suppose you have a desire of living in your dream home, in your mind's eye you can visualize in great detail what you want your dream home to look like.
However, according to Neville Goddard, that is thinking of your desire and not thinking from your desire. Therefore, you're not living in the end of your desire fulfilled.
Living in the end is waking up in the morning and instead of waking up in your not so great apartment, you see yourself waking up from your dream home. When you're living in the end, every time you go to bed, instead of sleeping in your apartment you see yourself sleeping in your dream house.
Living in the end is a permanent state of being where you're always seeing the world the way you want to see it until the physical reality changes to match your desire. In short, in living from the end, you persistently stay in the state of your desire fulfilled until it shows up in the 3D world.
"If I were to make a living representation of the state desired and then enter that state and abide in that state, I would realize it. At the time I wanted to make a trip to the island of Barbados in the West Indies, but I had no money. He (Abdullah) explained to me if I would that night as I sleep in Yew York City, assume that I was sleeping in my earthly father's house in Barbados and go sound asleep in that state that I would realize my trip. Well, I took him at his word and tried it." Neville Goddard lecture excerpts
When Neville had a desire to go to Barbados, Abdullah told him that night when he went to sleep, he should see himself sleeping in his father's house in Barbados, instead of sleeping in his apartment in New York City.
Here's the funny thing, every time Neville tried to bring up the topic of going to Barbados or try to discuss how he was going to go to Barbados, Abdullah would tell him that he was in Barbados and since he was in Barbados there was nothing to talk about. End of conversation!
Now, that's a clear example of living in the end where Abdullah taught Neville how to ignore the current reality and instead see it the way he wanted to see it. In this case, Neville saw himself in Barbados while he was still in New York City and he believed it.
Eventually, when Neville did go to Barbados, he remarked on how natural it felt. He could almost feel like it would've happened anyway.
Now, that's a trap you should avoid falling into because your logical mind will try to explain away how you managed to manifest your desire. It will try to disapprove the fact that it was your imaginal act that created the desire because of how natural it will happen.
If you diligently live in the end, your desire will become a reality that's a guarantee. However, when that happens it will feel so natural to you that you would almost be tempted to believe it would've happened anyway. This happened to Neville and I'm quite sure it will happen to you too.
Read more about How Neville went to Barbados.
How to live in the end
You can begin living from the end in 4 simple steps.
- Know what you want. First of all, before you begin, you should have a very clear idea of what it is you desire. You can even write it down in great detail if you want. Define your desire in every way imaginable.
- Imagine the way your life would be if your desire were a fact right now ask yourself, "If I were the man or woman that I desire to be, how would my life look like?" Then visualize your new life in great detail.
- Ignore reality. You should see the world from the point of view of your desire actualized. If you desire to be married, see life from the point of view of being married. If you desire to live in your dream home then each time you enter your apartment or where you're currently living, you should see yourself entering your dream home.
- Persist in living in the end. You should live in the end until your desire becomes a reality. Living in the end is a permanent state of being. You never stop living in the end until your desire shows up. When Neville wanted to go to Barbados, he consistently saw himself in Barbados while he was still in New York City until it happened.
- Living in the end never fails. Just like Abdullah told Neville, living in the end never fails and if you persist in it, you will eventually get your desire.
- So, the question then becomes, how bad do you want your desire? How bad do you want to live in your dream home? If you want it bad enough then you will do whatever it takes to make it a reality and you will persist in living in the end until your desire shows up.
#2 The Assumption technique
The assumption technique is based around the law of assumption which states that whatever you assume and believe to be true, that is what will be created in your reality.
"You must believe, to achieve! You must assume you already are the person you want to be, in order to become it. Although your assumption is denied by reason and your senses, if you persist in your assumption, it will harden into facts. This is how something is made out of that which does not appear." Neville Goddard lecture Jan 17th 1969
So, if you assume that you're not very smart, you will find yourself in plenty of situations where you won't be the smartest person around and you will always embarrass yourself with your lack of knowledge or ignorance.
If you assume that you're not wealthy then, money will be hard to come by. If you want to be rich, you need to start thinking the way rich people think about money. If you're not rich and you desire to be rich then you need to change your assumptions about money.
A few years ago, I watched this particular documentary about the super-rich who had lost all their money and still managed to start from scratch and make even more money than they had before. It was amazing.
Even after losing all their money and being declared bankrupt and having all their properties auctioned to pay their debts, these people had a particular attitude toward money. Even when they literally had no money, they had a strong assumption that they would always make money regardless of what happens and regardless of where they were in the world.
I know for a fact that rich people are not the most liked people on earth for obvious reasons, it's their attitude. They will do whatever it takes to make money and some of the methods they use to make money are not usually morally accepted but, they don't care anyway.
What is the assumption technique?
The assumption technique is quite similar to living in the end technique and most people often use them interchangeably without even knowing. However, they're somewhat different.
While living in the end requires you to stay permanently in the state of your wish fulfilled and ignore your current reality until your desire shows up, the assumption technique requires you to assume that your desire is already true right now and accept that as the absolute fact. It's that simple.
I hope you got the difference between the two. If not, let me elaborate further. Living in the end is seeing the world the way you want to see it if your desire were actualized, while the law of assumption is assuming and accepting that whatever you desire is already a fact right now.
Most of the time these two techniques are used together but I think it's a good idea to differentiate between the two because Neville wrote a whole book about the law of assumption.
So, most of the time when Neville was talking about visualizing your desire in the state akin to sleep, he was talking about the law of assumption and when he was talking about living from the end of your desire actualized he was referring to the technique of living from the end.
How do you use the Assumption technique?
- Know exactly what you want to create in your life. You should have a very clear picture of the desire you want to achieve, define the desire in every imaginable way possible.
- Come up with a short scene that implies that your desire is fulfilled. The shorter the scene the better. Ask yourself, "How would I feel if I were the man or woman that I desire to be." Remember feeling is the secret and you should try to imagine how you would feel were your desire a reality.
- Play the scene a few times in your mind to make sure everything is exactly the way you want it to be because once you start visualizing, it's not advisable to add more scenes as you go along.
- Go somewhere you won't be disturbed for a while and lie down or sit down in a backed chair. Make sure you're comfortable because any sign of discomfort will interfere with the entire relaxation and visualization process.
- If you decide to do it in the evening right before you fall asleep, make sure you're lying in a position that you don't normally sleep in. If you usually sleep on your side then lie on your back. This will make it hard for you to fall asleep right away so that you will have enough time to visualize.
- Begin relaxing and calming down your body until you get into the state akin to sleep which is a drowsy, hypnotic, sleepy state where you're not fully awake nor are you fully asleep.
- You will know you're in the state akin to sleep when you feel sleepy and have a hard time being awake or when you feel like your entire body has gone limp.
- In the state akin to sleep, bring over the scene that you came up with into your mind's eye and begin playing it over and over each time making it more clear and giving it sensory vividness and the tones of reality.
- Continue playing the scenes until it feels like you're experiencing a real event and you get a real emotional response from the visualization of having achieved your desire.
- Then, fall asleep in that state and it's done
#3 Revision Technique
Can you change the past? Well, according to the revision technique you can.
Using the technique of revision, you can go back in time and rewrite events in your wonderful human imagination the way you wanted them to happen. Most people are forever stuck in the past, maybe they're bitter at their parents or their former boyfriends or girlfriends or spouse or maybe they're holding on to the wrong that was done to them many many years and they can't let go.
This is not a healthy state of being because you can't move forward in life. You're stuck in the past and you will continue to create a future that looks exactly the way your past was. This is because of the fact that what you assume to be true is exactly what you will keep creating.
I had a funny experience a few years back where I lost some money while I was on the bus. It wasn't a lot of money (approximately $10) but it felt bad losing the money. I can remember very clearly having the money when I got on the bus. However, when I got off the bus I couldn't find it. I looked inside all my pockets and it was nowhere to be found.
So, that night while in a state akin to sleep I revised the scene and instead of seeing myself getting off the bus and finding that I had lost the money, I saw myself getting off the bus and checking my pockets and finding the money was there. I repeated the scene over and over until I couldn't remember losing the money in the first place and I fell asleep in that state.
Then about a week and some days later, while preparing my clothes to be washed, I found some money in the pocket of one of my trousers. It was exactly the same amount of money I had lost.
Now, I know what you might be thinking. "I didn't check all the pockets properly!" However, the funny thing was that, this wasn't the trouser I was wearing the day I lost the money. I can clearly remember what I was wearing that day.
I couldn't find a way to explain where the money had come from either. I tried to account for all the money I had the entire week, all the money was accounted for except the money I had lost and the money I found in that trouser.
What is the revision technique?
This is a technique of altering your reality where you rewrite your past the way you would've wanted it to be. There are plenty of reasons why you might want to rewrite the past.
For example, you might be trying to stop a certain event that happened in the past from influencing all your future decisions or you're just trying to forget all the pain that happened to you in the past or you're just trying to make peace with whatever that had happened in the past and move on with your life.
I've heard stories of people who revised their past and rewrote all the relationships that didn't go as they expected and then these people claim that the person they had revised their relationship with, reached out to them and some of them weren't mad at them anymore or, some of them had changed and were totally different people or, some of them just reached out to them and apologized for all the wrongs they had done.
"Now turn within and prune it by using these pruning shears of revision. Now, this is how we do it, at the end of the day I review the day, I don't judge it, I simply review it. I look over the entire day, all the episodes, all the events, all the conversations, all the meetings and then as I see it clearly in my mind's eye, I rewrite it. I rewrite it and make it conform to the ideal day I wished I had experienced. I take scene after scene and rewrite it, revise it and having revised my day then in my imagination I relieve that day, the revised day. I do it over and over in my imagination until the seeming imagined state begins to take on to me the tones of reality. It seems that it's real that I actually did experience it and I have found from experience that these revised days if really lived will change my tomorrows. When I meet people tomorrow that today disappointed me, they will not tomorrow for in me I have changed the very nature of that being and having changed him he bears witness tomorrow of the change that took place within me" Neville Goddard excerpts lecture 1954
Neville highly recommended to his students to revise their day daily because a lot can happen during the day and by revising the things that didn't go as planned today, tomorrow those things will happen the way they revised them to be.
How do you use the revision technique
- At the end of each day review how your day went along and take note of the events that didn't go as planned or any unpleasant experiences that you've had. Simply review your day without judgement, don't get attached to any particular event. Just review all the events objectively.
- This technique is supposed to be done in the evening when you've just retired to bed.
- Lie down in your bed in a position you don't normally sleep in and begin relaxing your body until you get into the state akin to sleep.
- When in the state akin to sleep bring into your mind's eye all the events that didn't go as planned and rewrite all of them the way you would've wanted them to happen.
- Create scenes different from the jones you experienced during the day and visualize them just the way you would've wanted them to happen and then replay them over and over until they take on the tones of reality.
- Replay the scenes until you no longer recall the events happening the way they did and then fall asleep in that state.
#4 The exploding breath technique
This is by far one of my most favourite Neville Goddard techniques of all time. I use it every single time I want to get myself into an elevated mood and change my state immediately. Unlike all the techniques that we've already looked at, this one is different and is intended to be done only once.
What is the exploding breath technique?
This is a manifesting technique that combines both the processes of visualization and powerful breathing exercises to rapidly build up your emotion to the point where you feel like your whole body is tingling or vibrating with energy.
It's a very efficient technique of charging the body with positive emotions.
So, what happens, is that as you keep breathing in a particular pattern while visualizing your desire, you will feel the emotions building up in your body until you feel like your entire body is exploding with pure energy and then everything will stop and you will get this incredible release.
It is for this reason that Neville called it, exploding the desire inside of you.
"So, I bring before my mind's eye you or others and I imagine you as I would like you to be. Then I try to find out how I set it in motion, by speculating, by experimenting. And I found one little thing that I'll share with you and you'll find it very, very successful. We are told to make it alive he breathed into it. Well, if I breathe into something you may think I'm exhaling, wouldn't you? It's just the opposite. He breathed into it and it become something alive, a living soul. But it's not breathing into something outside of himself, because God can't get outside of himself. It's inhalation in which you breathe. You don't exhale you inhale. So you think of someone and you get yourself worked up to a certain state, just like the creative act, and when you bring them to a certain pitch within yourself, then a deep inhalation. At that moment every atom of your body tingles and you feel as though something has gone out of you. Then you'll know the words, "Don't touch me, for I perceive virtue has gone out of me" (Luke 8:46) Something alive seems to go out at that moment when you bring it right straight to a certain focus, and then with one deep inhalation you explode your whole body. Now what do you do after that? Nothing! "Neville Goddard excerpts 1965
The reason I like the exploding breath technique so much is because of how fast it works. It puts me in touch with my desire immediately and when I have done the whole exercise and breathed myself into the real feelings of my desire accomplished, I know for a fact that it's done and I don't need to visualize again. It's done.
While breathing in a certain pattern, my whole body begins to vibrate and tingle with energy, then after that, I literally feel this incredible explosion of energy in my body and I get this huge relief and letting go.
I can't even begin to describe it, it's such a profound feeling of peace and knowing and satisfaction.
Neville described it using the phrase of the scripture, you'll know the words, "Don't touch me for I perceive virtue has gone out of me"
It's such a funny process. You only do it once and move on with your life, unlike all the other techniques we've already covered.
How to do the exploding breath technique
- To use the exploding breath technique you must have some basic knowledge about meditation because you have to calm your body and prepare your mind in a certain way to do this technique.
- Go somewhere you won't be disturbed for a while, turn off or mute your phone and remove all distractions from around you. It's advisable to do this technique in the evening when you've just about to retire to bed. At this time you're less likely to be disturbed and you can turn off your phone without being worried you will miss important calls.
- Lie in your bed and get into a comfortable position and begin meditating. You can put on soothing music to get you in a nice relaxing mod if you like. There are plenty of music out there intended for meditation. For example, there are a lot of soothing, meditative music accompanied with binaural beats that make your brain relax to a certain frequency.
- If you don't prefer music, it's OK. You can use other techniques of meditation like breathing exercises or repeating a particular mantra to get you in a nice relaxing state.
- You can meditate as long as you want but not less than 20 minutes. For most people, the ideal time for meditating is between 20 minutes and 1 hour.
- When you're certain your body is in a nice relaxed mood you can induce the state akin to sleep by relaxing further until you're almost about to fall asleep. You will know you're in the state akin to sleep when you start feeling sleepy, or you feel this heavy sensation like a huge blanket is coming down over your body, or when your entire body becomes limp - sometimes you might even have trouble moving your limbs.
- When that happens don't be alarmed, your body has fallen into sleep paralysis. This is normal during heavy relaxation.
- In the state akin to sleep begin visualizing your desire in great detail and give it sensory vividness and continue visualizing until this experience becomes real to you. Pay particular attention to the way you're feeling because feeling is the secret.
- Are you feeling like the even is happening now? Are you excited seeing in your mind's eye that you've accomplished your desire, do you get goosebumps just thinking about it? Do you feel content and thankful now that you've gotten your desire?
- When you're convinced your desire feels real to you, begin taking deep breaths and exhale in a regular pattern. Every time you inhale, feel the emotion of achieving your desire becoming stronger and stronger. You might find your breath getting faster and you continue breathing and feeling the emotion becoming stronger and stronger. This is totally normal.
- Continue breathing until you feel this intense emotion engulfing your entire body. At this point, you will feel very strong energy moving through you body. Neville describes it as tingling sensation, "At that moment every atom of your body tingles."
- However, I can assure you that it will be much more than that, in my experience I usually fell my body vibrating. It's a powerful mix of emotions I can't describe. You might find yourself crying uncontrollably. When that happens it's OK, it happens a lot because the emotions can be overbearing.
- At this point, your mind will be blown away and you will come to the realization that you've achieved your desire. I will finally hit you, "OMG, I'm now living in my dream house, or I can't believe it I'm married to this person, or OMG, I have a million dollars in my bank account." You will see your desire as done.
- When that happens, take one final deep breath and let everything go. You will feel this huge relief and contentment when you do that.
Have you ever eaten so much food your stomach was so full it almost hurt?
You will feel exactly like that, right in the centre of your chest. You will feel like your heart is so full and you will have no desire of repeating the process again. You will be free of any desire or wanting.
Here's an update. I've been waiting for a particular important message since last week but the message just wasn't coming. I was getting tired of waiting. So, yesterday evening right before bed I did the exploding breath technique and I saw that message arriving in my phone. I repeated the scene over and over and then I did the breath exercise and let everything go.
Today it's around 1245 at noon and as I'm writing this I'm also reading the important message. It arrived just exactly as I imagined.
#5 The congratulation technique
If you have read some of Neville Goddard's boooks or listened to his recorded lectures, then you might have noticed that he talked a lot about the congratulation technique of creating your reality. I know for a fact that a lot of people usually have trouble visualizing what they desire.
They may know what they want however, when it comes to envisioning it in their mind's eye, it becomes a problem because they can't see it clearly. There's no such thing as a photographic memory and if you need to become better at visualization then you just need to keep on practicing regularly.
If you're one of those people who struggle with visualization, then the congratulation technique will make your job a lot easier because many people can relate to the feeling of being congratulated - it's a great feeling of accomplishment.
To be frank, no one hates being congratulated and showered with praises, it's a wonderful feeling. Most of the time, it means you've achieved something significant or a very important achievement.
What is the congratulations technique?
In this visualization technique, you imagine that you're being congratulated by someone that you admire or respect so much. For example, you can see yourself being congratulated by your boss. Then in your imagination you can clearly hear your boss congratulating you on your new promotion or your new salary raise because of your outstanding performance at work.
The good thing about the congratulations technique is that you don't have to visualize, instead, you can hear all the people congratulating you in your imagination if you're not very good with visualizing. I'm quite sure it's much easier to imagine people speaking than it is to envision them. It's something that I've personally done from time to time and it works. It's a lot more convenient too and it achieves the same purpose.
"Knowing what you want, assume your desires is already fulfilled by imagining a circle of friends are congratulating you. Fall asleep knowing that those who would empathize with you have witnessed your good fortune. Knowing you have put the fulfillment of your desire in motion, walk confident that what you are assuming is true. And when it happens, share your experience with others, in the hope that they will try it and it will work for them." Neville Goddard lecture Jan 17th 1969
You can even imagine yourself being surrounded by family, friends or even co-workers. It doesn't really matter. All you have to do is imagine the excited look on their faces and the mood of excitement an then in your imagination, hear each and everyone of them congratulating you and showering you with praise. You can even see them shaking your hand or hugging you and seeing how they're happy for your accomplishment.
How to do the congratulation technique?
It's always advisable to do the congratulation technique when you're in the state akin to sleep.
So, come up with a scene beforehand. Be very clear about what you want to see and who you want to see in your congratulatory scene. Picture the mood of the moment and picture what you want everybody to say and what you want them to do. Do you want them to shake your hand jor hug you or cut the cake or do you want them to toast to you with a glass of champagne or wine?
See everything in detail and hear their elevated voices and excitement and tone of voice.
When you're sure everything is exactly the way you want it, go somewhere you won't be disturbed for a while and get yourself into the state akin to sleep.
In the stat akin to sleep replay the scenes over and over until they take on the tones of reality.
If you have a problem visualizing it's OK. You can hear their voices instead. So, hear their voices in great detail and hear each one of them talking to you and congratulating you and praising you for your outstanding achievements.
Hear their excitement and tone of voice and their laughter and keep repeating until it feels real to you.
Then, fall asleep in that state and it's done.
#6 The telephone technique
What do you do when a friend calls you and begins to tell you all the negative things that have happened to them during he day? Do you just sit there and listen as they pour their heart out? Or do you do something about their predicament?
Now, if you understand that imagining creates reality then you would assume you were hearing your friend saying something else and you would change every word right as they speak it to what you intended to hear.
"A friend of mine wanted to take an examination in the courts to be a reporter, a court stenotype reporter. As she mentioned it to me, she filled me with all kinds of reasons why she could never pass. There were nine reasons that she gave. As I heard her, I changed everything I heard as it was coming through, but everything. When it was all over, all that I had to do is now listen for the ring. I heard the phone ring all in my imagination, and then I heard what I brought to head as I changed and revised the entire conversation that she had passed." Neville Goddard Lecture Excerpts
What is the telephone technique?
This is a Neville Goddard manifesting technique where you can actually change the course of a telephone conversation in case you don't like the topic of discussion and rewrite the conversation right as it's happening in your wonderful human imagination.
Using the telephone technique you can create for another person or you can change the entire conversation that you heard on the telephone. For example, when a friend calls you to rant about how they've had a bad day. You can create a different circumstance for them by imagining that they had a wonderful day instead just the way you would imagine for them.
In the example above, a worried friend called Neville Goddard. She wanted to take an examination in the courts to be a reporter but she assumed that she would never pass the exam and she gave all the reasons why she couldn't - she gave 9 reasons in total.
Now, we all know that what you assume is what becomes creates in the 3D world and therefore, this lady had very slim chances of passing the exam because she believed that she couldn't and Neville knew it. He knew it was impossible for his friend to pass the exam with those assumptions.
Since Neville really cared about her and he didn't want her to fail the exam, he decided to create for her in his wonderful human imagination and heard her saying the opposite. He changed everything that she said and he heard her saying exactly what he wanted her to say.
How do you do the telephone technique?
- The telephone technique can be used to change a telephone conversation right as it's happening or you can wait until the conversation is over and then go into your wonderful human imagination and rewrite everything just the way you intended to hear it.
- In case you're in a position where you can't visualize immediately the phone conversation is over, don't worry, you can do that later on when you get home.
- While in a state akin to sleep recall the telephone conversation that you heard and then change everything you heard to exactly the way you wanted to hear it.
- Repeat it over and over until you can no longer remember the conversation happening the way it did.
- The feeling should be certain and you should convince your subconscious mind that the conversation didn't happen the way it did and you should believe it 100%.
- When you can no longer remember the conversation happening the way it did then it's done, you can allow yourself to fall asleep in that state.
- The telephone technique can also be used to get someone to call you. I you have a particular person in mind someone you haven't spoke to in a long time you can use the telephone technique to get them to call you.
- In this case, you would visualize the person calling you an you would hear the entire conversation just the way you want and when you've finished, you can fall asleep in that state and then it's done.
#7 The "Isn't it wonderful technique"
What if you want to create the life of your dreams but you don't want to visualize or you'd rather not because you're just not good at it. Well, Neville Goddard has you covered.
Neville Goddard had techniques to cater to the needs of everyone. These techniques don't require any physically effort nor are they time consuming and you can do them when you're just about to go to bed, they don't impact your normal day to day activities. So, you really can't say that they preventing you from doing whatever you always do. So ask yourself, what's the worst that could happen? There isn't any excuse not to try any of these techniques because what do you have to lose?
What is the isn't it wonderful technique?
This is one of the simplest Neville Goddard manifestation techniques of all times. It utilizes the powerful effect of a positive mood without the need to visualize.
Remember, visualization is only a tool that enables you to conjure up emotions of already achieved your dreams. It's not the process of visualizing that is important - it's how you feel when you visualize because "Feeling is the secret". So, if you can find a way of feeling yourself in a positive mood without visualizing, then it's even better because that's what this technique is all about.
"Men regard their moods far too much as effects and not sufficiently as causes. Moods are imaginal activities without which no creation is possible. We say that we are happy because we have achieved our goal; we do not realize that the process works equally well in the reverse direction - that we shall achieve our goal because we have assumed the happy feeling of the wish fulfilled. Moods are not only the results of the conditions of our life; they are also the causes of those conditions." Neville Goddard, The law and the promise Chapter 7
The reason it works so well is because you can use it in a general way to create everything you desire. You can even use it while you use all of the other techniques we've already talked about. If you're not sure of what you want or if you keep changing your mind about what you want then this technique is for you.
Try to remember a time in your life that things were going so well and you were so happy. Even if you're the saddest person in the world, I'm quite sure you can find plenty of moments in your life you were extremely happy.
One such memorable moment for me was when I got presents for Christmas, I was around 7 years old and I think that was the happiest memory of my childhood. It may not be a big deal for you to get a present for Christmas, but for me that was the first time someone had ever given me a gift for Christmas. Those Christmas gifts came from so far away I couldn't even wrap my 7 years old head around it. I was ecstatic, I couldn't sleep at night I was so happy.
So, while recalling a particularly happy memory you would say to yourself, "Isn't it wonderful" over and over until you fall asleep. You can say anything you want after the phrase, for example "Isn't it wonderful that everything is going so perfectly" or "Isn't it wonderful that I'm so happy." Then you say it over and over until you fall asleep.
So in the book the law and promise Neville mentioned a story of a lady who was out of a job and had so many need that she didn't know where to start. So she used this technique and she generated a general feeling or mood of achieving all that she desired and everything going great for her.
"At the time this wonderful thing happened to me I was out of a job and had no family to fall back upon for support. I needed just about everything. To find a decent job I needed a car to look for it, and though I had a car, it was so worn out it was ready to fall apart. I was behind in my rent; I had no proper clothes to seek a job; and today it's no fun for a woman of fifty-five to apply for a job of any kind. My bank account was almost depleted and there was no friend to whom I could turn.
But I had been attending your lectures for almost a year and my desperation forced me to put my imagination to the test. Indeed, I had nothing to lose. It was natural for me, I suppose, to begin by imagining myself having everything I needed. But I needed so many things and in such short order that I found myself exhausted when I finally got through the list, and by that time I was so nervous I could not sleep. One lecture night I heard you tell of an artist who captured the 'feeling', or 'word' as you called it, of "isn't it wonderful" in his personal experience.
I began to apply this idea to my case. Instead of thinking of and imagining every article I needed, I tried to capture the 'feeling' that something wonderful was happening to me - not tomorrow, not next week - but right now.
I would say over and over to myself as I fell asleep, "Isn't it wonderful! Something marvelous is happening to me now!" And as I fell asleep I would feel the way I would expect to fell under such circumstances.
I repeated that imaginary action and feeling for two months, night after night, and one day in early October I met a casual friend I hadn't seen for months who informed me he was about to leave on a trip to New York. I had lived in New York many years ago and we talked of the city a few moments and then parted. I completely forgot the incident. One month later, to the day, this man called at my apartment and simply handed me a certified check in my name for twenty-five hundred dollars. After I got over the initial shock of seeing my name on a check for so much money, the story that unfolded seemed to me like a dream. It concerned a friend I had not seen nor heard from in more than twenty-five years. This friend of my past, I now learned , had become extremely wealthy in those twenty-five years. Our mutual acquaintance who had brought the check to me had met him quite by accident during the trip to New York last month. During their conversation they spoke of me, and for reasons I was not to know (for to this day I have not heard from him personally and have never attempted to contact him) this old friend decided to share a portion of his great wealth with me.
For the next two years, from the office of his attorney, I received monthly checks so generous in amount they not only covered every necessary requirement of daily living, but left much over for all the lovely things of life: a car, clothes, a spacious apartment - and best of all, no need to earn my daily bread.
This past month I received a letter and some legal papers to be signed which provide the continuation of this monthly income for the rest of my natural life. ...T.K" Neville Goddard, The Law And The Promise, Chapter 7
How to use the "Isn't it wonderful technique"
- Get yourself into a nice relaxed position, preferably lying down on your bed.
- You can do it any time you want but it's advisable to do it right before you go to bed.
- So, while you're lying on your bed induce a state akin to sleep.
- Then recall a happy memory and capture the mood and how you felt during that moment.
- You don't need to keep recalling the memory, once you catch the mood you're good to go because if it's a good memory, the mood will come automatically and stay. Then you repeat the phrase "Isn't it wonderful" over and over until you fall asleep.
- Personally I like to repeat the phrase "Isn't it wonderful that everything is going so well." You can use your own phrase but make sure you begin your phrase by saying, "Isn't it wonderful."
- Repeat the phrase over and over until you fall asleep then it's done.
- If you do this every night without thinking about any desire in particular, I can guarantee you that everything in your life will go well. Your health, finances, relationships and peace of mind will go so well and everything just flow and you won't need to focus on any desire in particular.
Neville Goddard was a man of action and he always encouraged all his student to the put the principles he taught to practise. He gave his students a lot of techniques to create the life they desired to have. You can do that too and you can choose one technique that works best for you or use any of these techniques to create the life of your dreams.
Ask yourself questions
It's not always easy to imagine having something you've never had and that is something that you have to work on constantly because you must know exactly how it feels to have the thing that you desire for it to work. For example, if you've never owned any real estate property in your life, then imagining that you are living in your dream house that you bought and paid for is not going to be an automatic feeling.
However, you must feel exactly the way it feels to own your dream home for it to become a reality in your life. In fact, when the real house shows up, it's not going to feel any different than it felt when you visualized it.
So how exactly do you manage to do this?
By asking yourself a lot questions. Ask yourself if I'm living in my dream home that I bought, how does it feel? How does it feel knowing that my family is well taken care of and safe living in my dream home? How does it feel knowing that I don't have to pay rent anymore? Are you comfortable living in your dream house? Do you have a garden? After a long day when you return to your dream home do you feel rejuvenated and thankful you have a nice safe place to return to and unwind?
You may have heard the expression put yourself in someone else's shoes, I'm not sure it goes like that but you get the point. That is exactly what you need to do, put yourself in the shoes of someone who's already wealthy and owns their dream home. Ask yourself how does a person like that see the world? How does a person like that feel every time they wake up in their dream house?
You have to ask yourself a lot of question to explore unknown territories and work yourself into feeling something you've never felt before. If you desire to have a million dollars, ask your self, "If I have a million dollars in my account right now, what would I be doing?" Would I be working in this job that I hate or would I be working on building my own businesses and properties? Does the idea of having a million dollars right now, right this moment excite you? If a million dollars were to land in your hands right now, what is the first thing that you would do with that money? Play pretend for a while and imagine you have a million dollars right now! You can do whatever you've always desired, you can go anywhere you want to! How does it feel? See it and feel it in detail.
It's not easy to feel something you've never felt before and it's isn't hard either. You just have to work at it and ask yourself a lot of question and put yourself in someone else's shoes or play the game of make believe until you get it right.
You can always reach out to me if you have any question or suggestions or you can leave a comment below. I would personally love to hear some of your experiences using these 7 most powerful and effective Neville Goddard techniques.
Great post! But where is number 7?
ReplyDeleteLol, Sorry about that. Working on it. Look out for correct edit.
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much for sharing all these important notes and tips from neville goddard. For a long time i have had many desires and I cant seem to fix my mind on a particular desire until it comes to pass. I have decided to use the "Isn't if wonderful" affirmation faithfully every night to have everything I desire. Thank you again very very much. I have been reading neville goddard practices and doing it for over a year plus with little success. I think i finally understand why. its because i have too many desires and it makes me very anxious that they might not come to pass at all. I found the exact thing i was looking for. So it is very wonderful.... ^^
ReplyDeleteGlad you found it helpful, your feedback means a lot to me. I've used the "Isn't it wonderful" technique many times and got great results. Living in a general state of well being will bring you so much happiness and peace. You will be amazed at the changes that will happen in your life, all your relationships will be perfect and everything in your life will just flow. I'm working on another post that helps people keep track of everything they've managed to manifest. Sometimes we manifest things but we just don't know realize it. I will put a comment with the link of the post here when I'm done, check back in a few hours.
ReplyDeleteHi Kevin, thanks really again. After typing the comment above and reading the post on how Neville sailed on the ship to even though it was fully booked I told myself to persist in my imaginal act for that night.
ReplyDeleteI do feel quite anxious when I go to be normally as I don't know what to expect. But this time I realize that I had to feel really sleepy before I started. So I kept relaxing my mind and body and kept saying to myself "I AM Sleepy"... Once I felt relaxed enough I started my imaginal activity...
I had chosen a state of financial freedom. A scene where someone congratulates me. I kept persisting but halfway I kept changing my scenes. I guess I was abit anxious. I just kept at it. My body was completely still while I was doing it...
It felt like forever... And suddenly I felt this heat near my heart area, tingling sensation in my body, and some lightness in my head. Than it HAPPENED.
I was in a metropolitan city and I see people there. I was walking around... I know my body is still on my bed while all this was happening... But the scene I wanted was totally opposite...
So I was thinking how can I feel financial freedom. I was looking at my watch and realize I can choose any type I want. If I was wearing an expensive watch it means I am financially abundant... So I could at will keep changing the watch on my hand. But somehow I couldn't fall sleep in this state and woke up. I have had similar experiences but I just could not fall asleep.
Would you mind sharing once in the state how you successfully fall asleep?
I believe when a person's mind is so busy visualizing that it's hard to get out of that visualizing state enough to calm the mind and drift off to sleep. Try this. After you reach the end of what you imagined and you are in that wonderful feeling of having what you want, say " And so it is and so I let it be, isn't it wonderful !" and just let a feeling of satisfaction and calm wash over you. Doing this should help you stay in that state of peaceful bliss as you drift off to sleep. I hope this helps.
DeleteThank you so very much for posting this. This is, in my opinion, THE best and most important tutorial on the techniques of the great Neville Goddard. I have watched perhaps hundreds of Neville Goddard videos on YT and learned a lot. But your article here explains everything in a very clear, concise and detailed way. I'm not sure if my manifestation was method #1 or #2 or a combination of both but it worked! I manifested $100K for buying my own flat. Within a week, I received 2 lump sums from unexpected sources, and by a year later, I had received the full amount and bought my flat! Thank you for promoting positivity and empowerment! Blessings!