The Story Of How Neville Goddard Went To Barbados


A ship approaching an island


During the great depression in 1933, life was hard in New York and Neville desired to go to the island of Barbados where he was born, to escape all the hardships. He was a dancer by profession and because money was hard to come by, no one could afford a dancer. All the theatres were closed and Neville had a really hard time making a living, he was literally penniless. Things were so hard during that time, he would've danced for a meal. So, he had a strong desire to go to Barbados and be with his family and since he didn't have any money, he couldn't see any way he would've made that desire a reality. 

So, Neville approached his mentor called Abdullah who was an Ethiopian Rabbi and asked him for advice. These were the instructions that Abdullah gave him, "Tonight when you go to sleep, you will sleep in Barbados because you are in Barbados!" 

Now, this was quite strange for Neville and he remembered the tiny streets of Barbados that were only a mere sidewalk when compared to the streets of New York. He pictured all the tiny, little buildings of Barbados compared them to the tall skyscrapers of New York. 

It was crazy! 

But, Neville did as he was told and saw himself in Barbados that night and he saw New York as being 2,000 miles to the north of himself.

However, a month passed by and Neville didn't see any evidence of any progress and he went back to Abdullah and told him, "If I don't make it to the next boat out, I won't make it to Barbados." And Abdullah told him, "Who told you you're going to Barbados? You are in Barbados! When you're in Barbados you can't discuss how you're going to Barbados because you're already in Barbados." 

Now, this is the perfect example of living in the end taught by Abdullah, because when you already see your new reality in your wonderful human imagination you must avoid anything that contradicts that vision.

So, Abdullah slammed the door in Neville's face and went to his room and refused to discuss the issue with him anymore. Since Neville knew Abdullah really well, this was an invitation from him not to follow him and discuss the issue any further. Abdullah slammed the door every time Neville wanted to discuss this issue. 

Neville simply wanted to figure out how he was going to go to Barbados since he had no money and he couldn't see how it would've happened. 

Finally, Neville eventually got the message that he couldn't really discuss anything about going to Barbados because Abdullah was a man of great resolve. 

Neville finally got the idea, "You cannot discuss anything about going to Barbados when you're in Barbados." So, that night, Neville did see himself again in Barbados and saw New York from the point of view of Barbados just like Abdullah had advised him.

Then 48 hours later he got a letter under his door from his brother Victor, whom he hadn't talked to in a long time. 

In the letter, his brother told him that he had already talked to the steamship company, Furness Withy and Company to offer him a ticket to Barbados and charge it on him, also within the letter he had enclosed a little draft of $50 for him to purchase anything he needed like a suit of clothes or a pair of shoes. 

Which is exactly what he needed since he was literally penniless and couldn't afford to buy anything he needed. In the letter, his brother told Neville that he knew he was not working and there was literally no reason for him not to come, no excuse at all,  so he must come. 

It was not a request it was a command! 

This was the 4th of December, and after reading the letter Neville went to the shipping company. They told him that they had space for him and they would be departing on the 6th of December but unfortunately, they only had storage from that moment on, so, when they got to St Thomas, Virgin islands someone would disembark and he would get first class. 

So, he accepted and went back to Abdullah excited and told him that it had worked and that he would leave on the 6th of December but he would have to go storage until they reached St Thomas and then he would go first class. So Abdullah told him, "Who is talking of going to Barbados? You have gone to Barbados and you went first class." 

That was the end of the discussion.

So on the 6th, Neville went to the ship with his passport and papers expecting to go storage until he reached St Thomas, but the shipping agent said to him, "Mr Goddard we do have good news for you, there has been a cancellation and now you're going first class." And that's how Neville Goddard managed to go to Barbados when he was virtually penniless and he went there first class to be with his family he hadn't seen in 12 years.

An incredible story isn't it? 

This story demonstrates to us that indeed we have the power to control circumstances in our lives and that is the purpose of this blog - to break down the teaching of Neville Goddard in a way that is easy to understand and implement in your life. 

You can use the same methods that Neville used to go to Barbados, to manifest anything you desire. Do, what Neville Goddard often told his students, "Don't take my word for it, prove it to yourself that this actually works." because quite frankly, what's the worse that could happen if you prove it yourself? 

You have nothing to lose.

Neville was a practical man and he taught his students that way, there was a very practical demonstration that he told anyone who had doubts could use to prove to themselves that using the power of their imagination could change the physical world. It's called the ladder exercise.

What is the ladder exercise? Read more about it here:


Who exactly was this mysterious man called Abdullah? You can read more about him here:



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