
Showing posts from January, 2022


      So, these are some of the questions I get asked a lot concerning visualization and I mean a lot! 1. How do I visualize correctly? 2. How long do I need to visualize? 3. How many times should I visualize during the day? 4.  Help, I can't seem to visualize! 6. Do I need to visualize at a specific time?   These questions come up over and over and I will make sure I cover each question in detail. If you have any other questions concerning visualization that is not included here, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me and I will try to answer each and every one. So, let's dive in.   1. How do I visualize correctly? First, come up with a small scene beforehand or make a script - the choice is yours. Before you start visualizing make sure that you know exactly what you want to visualize. Play the scene a few times in your mind to make sure that everything is exactly the way that you want it to be. Never complicate the visualization process. Make the scenes as s


Everyone familiar with the teachings of Neville Goddard must've heard of Abdullah at one point or another.  There is a lot of mystery and enigma surrounding this man who was at the very centre of Neville's accomplishment because it was he who mentored Neville Goddard. Through him, Neville was able to learn first-hand some of the concepts that he later explained to the world.   A picture of a man believed to be Abdullah, perhaps when he was younger. I don't believe the picture is an accurate representation of him because, when Neville met him, he was already an old man. However, that was the only picture I could find. So, who exactly was Abdullah? Abdullah was a rabbi of Ethiopian descent who was fluent in Hebrew and several other languages. He had a lot of students the most significant one being Neville Goddard who later turned his life around from a struggling dancer to a renowned teacher and author.  There are some people who believe that he was a black jew. However, I d