
Showing posts from November, 2020

Creation is finished

  One of the questions that people ask when they're first introduced to the law of attraction is how long does it take to manifest what we desire from the moment we start visualizing. And the answer to that is quite simple, it takes no time at all!  Now, I know this is a little bit confusing and doesn't make a lot of sense right now but continue reading and you will discover why.  You see, time is an illusion that only exists in this three-dimensional world. Everything that we can see and touch and smell, originated and was first conceptualized and created in the higher dimension or spiritual world or the parallel universe or whatever you call it.  In the scientific world, this higher dimension is a real thing and they call it the singularity and is the origin of everything before anything existed. In this non-physical place, all matter is infinitely dense to the point where it just vanishes out of our existence and is the primordial birthplace and origin of all the universe.

Do Not Have a Hind Claw

There is a funny story that Neville loved to tell about the crabs in Barbados.  These crabs were almost impossible to catch and if you chased one, it would run at top speed and jump over the cliff, or so it appeared.  If you were foolish enough you would chase the crab until the last minute you run over the cliff and break your neck. But, the crab would grab the earth just below the surface of the cliff using its hind limb at the last minute and appear to have jumped off the cliff. It would remain there for a minute or so to catch its breath and then it would slowly climb the cliff again and if it was chased again it would repeat the same thing. Because of the funny behaviour of the crabs, the locals of Barbados have a saying, "I have a hind claw" to signify that someone has some backup plan or some money tucked away in the bank.    Unfortunately, when it comes to manifesting, many people have the same attitude.    They want to manifest a particular thing but also at the sam

The power of now

  Many people don't realize that the only time that they have the power to change any situation is right at this moment. You cannot change the past, it's forever cast in stone and you cannot live in the future because it is not yet here.  The only moment that you can really live and be able to make any changes in your life is the present moment. There is a saying that goes "a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." So make that single step right this very moment. Don't wait. If you have a particular desire that you want to manifest, begin right now to manifest it. Don't wait until later, begin to make plans right now to make your life better. If you continue pushing things that you need to do into the future, they will forever remain in the future. A lot of things happen every single moment and this very moment might be your only chance to launch that desire to incredible heights.  You might wait until later and then something bad happens and you

How I was Able To Get Rid of An Annoying Neighbour Using Neville's Teachings

This story begins right around the time that I was introduced to the teachings of Neville. At this point, I was still new to his teachings and also a little sceptical since there wasn't much I understood anyway. And one of my first ever manifestations using the teachings of Neville Goddard was getting rid of an annoying neighbour who would play loud music all night long.  I still remember with a lot of dread how I would wake up in the morning feeling worse than I did when I went to bed. I hardly ever slept and I would wake up exhausted and run down. At this point, things in my life things weren't great and they just got worse and worse.  At work things weren't any better, in fact, we got a new HR who would later change everything and become a source of pain and frustration to everyone. Our branch functioned without an HR for quite a long time and there really wasn't a need for one since we were the top-performing branch of the company.  We did a really good job of manag

Living from the end

  What does living from the end mean? This is a question that gets a lot of people confused because if you're already visualizing your desire then, what exactly is living from the end?  And yes, you can visualize your desire but still fail to live from the end of your dream fulfilled. Living from the end is a term coined by Neville Goddard used to describe being totally immersed in the imaginative world to the point where the boundaries between reality and fantasy fade away. Many people treat their imaginations as a fantasy, but living from the end means that there is no separation from the thing imagined and the physical reality.    In fact, we can even say that living from the end means that the imagined thing is more real than the things you can see and physically interact with. This is because human beings just like God have the power to create and the only way we can create anything is through our own wonderful human imagination.    Everything we see around us that was created


I used to have mixed results when it came to manifesting the things that I desired, but all that changed after I was introduced to the teaching of Neville Goddard.  I've been having one success after another and I've learnt a lot about how to effectively manifest things into my life and build my trust in the process to incredible levels.  However, we all have those things that take forever to manifest or those things that we just really can't seem to manifest and from time to time, we need help and inspiration from others.  Everyone has the power to change and manipulate their environment using the power of their mind. It's something we're born with and something we've known instinctively since we were kids. It's a yearning and desire that will never fade as long as we live.  It captures our imagination and captivates our lives. With the right information and the right tools, you will soon be on your way to actualizing your dreams and seeing them manifested