The power of now

scrabble tiles spelling out the word if not now when


Many people don't realize that the only time that they have the power to change any situation is right at this moment. You cannot change the past, it's forever cast in stone and you cannot live in the future because it is not yet here. 

The only moment that you can really live and be able to make any changes in your life is the present moment. There is a saying that goes "a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." So make that single step right this very moment. Don't wait.

If you have a particular desire that you want to manifest, begin right now to manifest it. Don't wait until later, begin to make plans right now to make your life better. If you continue pushing things that you need to do into the future, they will forever remain in the future. A lot of things happen every single moment and this very moment might be your only chance to launch that desire to incredible heights. 

You might wait until later and then something bad happens and you're no longer in the mentality to do anything. You might already be in a bad situation and then you wait just a little bit longer and the situation gets worse and a massive negative event is manifested that changes the direction of your life forever, like receiving bad news or losing your job. 
Right now might be the only time that you're in the right frame of mind to kick start that manifestation process. 

Every single moment is a gift and is more precious than gold. Every single breath that you take is one less breath that you will ever take. Every single second that ticks by is one second less you will ever live. 
If you learn to always be present in every situation, you will rarely have regrets because you will always do what's necessary to be done in every single moment. You will rarely miss opportunities and you will always ride the wave of success.
A lot of people have lost huge opportunities simply because of the fact that they hesitated when an opportunity presented itself. If you're forever living in the present moment you will know the true value of this moment right now, because you know that everything can be taken from you in the next moment. 
You will dedicate all your love and attention to the people who matter the most to you and you won't waste any time doing things that you don't want.

So, take a moment and look around you. Let your senses fill with information. Feel the breeze in the air, feel the ground from beneath your feet, feel the chair from under you. 

Let your ears pick every single sound from around you, let your nostrils fill with smells from all around. 

Touch everything, take a breath of fresh air, feel the very presence of your soul and know that this very moment is all that you have to do anything that you desire because in this very moment you're alive.


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