a picture showing green smoke with the text - unimaginable power right before sleep

Learning to get into the state akin to sleep will change your life, - it changed the way I looked at reality forever.

So, here's what I did after learning about it and it took me by surprise. In fact, the appropriate word here would be, "it scared the living lights out of me!"

I was on YouTube and the first thing I see is this video by an Indian guy explaining how to attract a text from someone. I don't remember the name of the guy but, there was something different about him.

I click the video and he's explaining the entire process and I'm saying to myself, "This is never going to work." but, like I said before, there was something different about him. There was this energy behind his words, I can't really explain.

I scrolled the comments. There was a lot of comments by the way, and everyone was freaking out. The majority of people who had commented had manifested texts from their ex-boyfriends, girlfriends, and specific persons within 24 hours.

So, I decided to try it out but, I didn't follow his exact instructions, because I'm like that. 

I didn't want a text from a specific person like the guy suggested, I want a random call. So, I took out my phone and went to the contacts and closed my eyes. I swiped up and down several times before tapping on the screen to pick a random number.

Then, I closed my eyes and I relaxed my entire body until I got into the state akin to sleep. I will explain more about the state akin to sleep later.

I pictured the random person I had chosen and I saw him scrolling his own phone in my imagination. I saw him finding my number and calling me, just like the instructions from the video. The only difference being it was a call and not a text.

Then, I saw my own phone ringing and saw the name of this person clearly on the screen. I repeated the scenes several times until it felt so real I could feel the phone vibrating in my hand as I picked it up and hear the voice of this person on the other side.

After repeating the scenes a few times, I began drifting. I was not fully awake and I was not asleep either, just somewhere in between.

Then something jolts me wide awake and I get up annoyed. I was enjoying the drift. It was a relaxing experience. 

It was the phone ringing and I look at who's calling, it's the random person. I pick up the phone and we have the same conversation I had imagined. 

Now, after the phone call, you would think that I was jumping up and down with joy. I wasn't. I was literally freaking out.

So, I managed to convince myself that it was just a rare coincidence. You know, the one in a million occurrences? It had to be one of those.

What you also don't know is that before I did the visualization with the random person, I had tried to do another visualization to get a text from one particular girl but then I changed my mind and I decided to abandon the visualization and do something random.

I had already begun to visualize getting a text from this girl then I stopped the entire process. 

The most astonishing thing is that, about a week later, I'm on Facebook and I see that this particular girl had sent me a DM, I read it and guess what, it's the message I wanted her to send me.

I still don't understand why the message came on Facebook and not as a text on my phone like I had imagined. Still, the message did come, I was surprised because I never finished the visualization. This happened just as I was discovering the work of Neville Goddard and so, I was convinced that these two events were not mere coincidences.

I mean, you can get away with just one coincidence but two in a row not so much. I also had other funny experiences like climbing the ladder that Neville told people to use to test that the law worked.


I get a lot of questions concerning the state akin to sleep and I know the reason why. Neville Goddard highly recommended it as one of the most important prerequisites before visualizing.

This shows that a lot of people don't really know what it is, or how to get into this state. If you're one of those people don't worry because by the end of this you will know everything there is to know about it.

The state akin to sleep is also widely known as SAT, so in case you run into that one, just know that it's an abbreviation and it refers to the same thing.

Whenever I'm explaining the state akin to sleep to people, I like to give them an example that anyone can relate with. So, here's an example.

Have you ever been up all night and then, the next day you struggled to stay awake in class or in a meeting? In this particular state, you're constantly shifting between sleep and being awake and sometimes you may doze off and nod your head and then suddenly you're wide. 

In a nutshell, that describes what the state akin to sleep is, it's a drowsy, sleepy, hypnotic state where you're not fully awake, neither are you fully asleep. It's a twilight zone between the two.

What's so Important about the stake akin to sleep?

The real reason Neville highly recommended for people to get into the state akin to sleep before visualization is because, in this state, the logical mind is greatly subdued.

You remember in my story when I managed to get the random person to call me, I immediately convinced myself that it was a just coincidence because it had scared me?

Now, that was the logical mind speaking. The logical mind tries to rationalize and explain away things in a way that makes sense to the current beliefs systems that we have.

However, when it comes to visualizing, it's our greatest enemy.

Suppose you broke your leg while riding a bicycle and then you're taken to the hospital. Then, the doctor keeps asking you how you got your injury and whether or not you were wearing a helmet and you say that, you weren't wearing a helmet.

Then, while you're still in pain and agony, the doctor goes on to give you a lengthy lecture on how irresponsible you were and how everything is your fault and how you should've been more carefully, instead of treating your life-threatening injuries.

Now, that's the way the logical mind works, it tries to explain away things and place the blame where it appropriately belongs, instead of dealing with the current issue at hand.

Here's another example, let's say you wanted to go on your dream vacation. Let's say you wanted to go to Mauritius, or Hawaii, or Amalfi, or Seychelles, or whatever place that you fancy for a vacation because you have a very strong desire.

So, you begin visualizing that you're in Mauritius enjoying the sun on the beach and then suddenly, your logical mind kicks in and says, "Well, how are you going to Mauritius? You don't have enough money"  But, you ignore the logical mind and you continue visualizing.

In your mind's eye, you can see yourself in Mauritius, exploring, swimming in the ocean, meeting new people and enjoying really good food. Your logical mind interrupts again, "Don't be silly, you're not in Mauritius, you're in the house and you haven't had lunch."

This is problematic, because every time the logical mind interrupts you get this uncomfortable feeling, it feels like tension because it's negating everything you're visualizing and aiming for.

Remember, the purpose of visualization is to help you conjure up emotions of already having achieved your desire. The most important thing here is emotion because feeling is the secret. Visualization is just a tool.

So, you finish visualizing and you feel worse than you started because the most predominant emotion during the entire time was this tension and discomfort because of the way the logical mind kept interrupting you. Under these circumstances, it would be a miracle if you achieved your desire.

However, in a state akin to sleep this logical mind is greatly subdued and you have a better chance of visualizing yourself in Mauritius without interruptions and succeeding in feeling like you're actually there.

The closer you get to dreaming the less active the logical mind gets. In fact, when you're dreaming the logical mind is not active at all and that's the reason why dreams don't make sense most of the time.

Once I had this dream where I jumped off a cliff to take a swim in the river below but, instead of falling, I began flying around like a butterfly and when I looked around at the cliff I had jumped from, I realized that it wasn't a cliff but a huge tree. When I finally reached the water below, I found myself in a huge desert with no drop of water.

That's typically the way dreams are because the logical mind is not active to rationalize and put things in their proper logical positions.


A word of caution

Be careful who you talk to concerning your desires. Like we've already seen your logical mind can get in the way and be an obstacle to creating the life you want. 

Not only that, the logical minds of other people can also put you down too.

So, don't go around telling people who don't even know who the hell Neville Goddard is, your plans of visualizing using the principles of Neville and going on your dream vacation to Amalfi. They will look at you like you're from space.

Find yourself a nice community of people who are already using the principles of Neville to create their ideal life and get inspiration from there.

In case you have any questions or if you need any help creating the life of your dreams, you can always reach out to me.

Usually, I get a lot of questions concerning the state akin to sleep and here are the most popular ones.


What if you can't get into the state akin to sleep?

Like I said before I get a lot of questions from people concerning the SATs but these are the most common ones.

  1. How do I get into the state akin to sleep?
  2. I fall asleep before I get into the state akin to sleep, what do I do?
  3. I have trouble falling asleep after visualizing, I stay awake for a long time. Is it necessary to fall asleep while visualizing?

1. How do I get into the state akin to sleep?

Getting yourself into the state akin to sleep is not as complicated as the majority of people out there put it. It's simply a matter of getting into a nice relaxing, comfortable position and calming your entire body until you feel yourself starting to get drowsy.

You can also take several deep breaths to help calm your mind faster or you can even put on soft music to get you in a relaxing mood. Also, remember to wear comfortable and loose clothing. Tight and uncomfortable clothes will distract you significantly and prevent you from relaxing further.

Don't worry so much about getting to the state akin to sleep, with enough practise you will get yourself there most of the time. For example, when you're tired you won't even struggle to get into this state. It will be so natural.


2. I fall asleep before I get into the state akin to sleep, what do I do?

If you find yourself unable to get into the state akin to sleep because you fall asleep right away, don't worry because there are plenty of ways I will show that you can still use and still be successful. 

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night for a short moment then you went right back to sleep? 

Now, that is a perfect time to start visualizing because at that moment you're in a state akin to sleep. Several times during the night this might occur and every single time is an opportunity to recall your desire and begin visualizing immediately.

Another moment is when the alarm rings and you hit the snooze button and you tell yourself that you're going to sleep for only 5 more minutes then you find that you have slept for 30 minutes, and you have to dash out of the house without breakfast because you're late. 

You can set the alarm to go off several times during the night and every time it wakes you up, you're right in the middle of the state akin to sleep and you can begin visualizing.

3. I have trouble falling asleep after visualization. Is it necessary to fall asleep while visualizing?

Yes, it's necessary to fall asleep while visualizing because if you can't fall asleep, then it means that you're not in the state akin to sleep in the first place.

Sometimes you can get yourself out of the state akin to sleep if you get yourself overly excited during the visualization. This happens a lot so don't be alarmed.

So, if you find yourself unable to sleep it means that you've gotten yourself out of the state akin to sleep and now your brain is in the waking state. In the waking state, the brain is more active and this is not a very good frame of mind to visualize because like we've already seen the logical mind will slow you down.

However, don't put limitations on yourself, you can visualize any time you want, any time of the day whether or not you're in a state akin to sleep. But the most important thing to remember is that in the state akin to sleep that's where all the power is.

You should try as much as possible to visualize in the state akin to sleep and if you do so you will be amazed at what you can achieve.

Are you ready for the immense power?

Neville always warned his students to be careful of the kind of reality that they would create because they would have to live in it.

If you desire immense success then you have to be ready for some drastic changes in your life. Don't expect to continue living the way you do now. Things will change and some of these changes will scare you. With immense success comes great privileges and also great challenges and responsibilities. Keep that in mind.

So, are you ready for great changes? Then, let's go into the silence and create the life of our dreams.


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