Do Not Have a Hind Claw

Three red crabs on a rock

There is a funny story that Neville loved to tell about the crabs in Barbados. 

These crabs were almost impossible to catch and if you chased one, it would run at top speed and jump over the cliff, or so it appeared. 

If you were foolish enough you would chase the crab until the last minute you run over the cliff and break your neck. But, the crab would grab the earth just below the surface of the cliff using its hind limb at the last minute and appear to have jumped off the cliff. It would remain there for a minute or so to catch its breath and then it would slowly climb the cliff again and if it was chased again it would repeat the same thing.

Because of the funny behaviour of the crabs, the locals of Barbados have a saying, "I have a hind claw" to signify that someone has some backup plan or some money tucked away in the bank. 
Unfortunately, when it comes to manifesting, many people have the same attitude. 
They want to manifest a particular thing but also at the same time they have a backup plan of some sort, just in case. 
People have all sorts of backup plans in case the thing they want doesn't show up. For example, someone wants to manifest some money and clear all debts but at the same time they have a backup plan of looking for an extra job, just in case it doesn't work. 
Another example is someone wanting to manifest a text from their crush but at the same time they say to themselves, "If my crush doesn't text, I will take matters into my own hands and just text them instead because I really want to talk."

Having a backup plan when it comes to manifestation is a recipe for failure. 
It means that you really don't trust the manifestation process or you really don't believe that manifestation works. And, if you don't believe manifestation works then you won't have a lot of success manifesting. 
You have the power to create anything that you desire but to do so you have to believe that it's possible for you.

So, remove all the safety nets that you have put beneath yourself just in case you fail to manifest your desire. Because even though you are putting some of your energy into visualizing and manifesting, you're also trying to physically manipulate things to make your desire a reality. 
Physically trying to manipulate things and circumstances to make your desire a reality is showing that you don't really believe imagining creates reality. Physically manipulating things is like trying to move a huge rock with your bare hand, you can get it to move but it will take a lot of energy and time, maybe even a serious injury. 
Manifesting is like moving the huge piece of rock with a crowbar or a lever, it takes less effort, it's much more effective, safer and less tiring.

Looking back in my life, there was a time I was surrounded by the most horrible people on earth, they were manipulative and toxic. It still shocks me to this day that I considered these people my friends!
I knew I deserved better. It was clear that these people didn't care a thing about me but they were my safety net. For a long time, I could not let them go and look for better friends because I was afraid of being alone. 
So one day I finally had enough, I deleted the contact of every single one of them and cut ties with all of them. I was done. I removed my safety net from underneath me and I was ready to manifest meaningful people in my life. 
I did not have anything to lose because I had lost so much being with these untrustworthy people and I finally realized that I was better off alone. I was now ready to trust the manifesting process and believe that it would lead me to wonderful people. And I put all my energy and focus into visualizing, I had no hind claw. 

I trusted in the process and I got more than I expected, I got the most amazing friends that I could imagine and my life changed for the better. 

However, when I say that you should remove all your safety nets, I don't mean that someone should quit their job just because they believe they will manifest their dream job. Of course, that is not a very wise thing to do because you will be putting a lot of pressure on yourself and in the manifesting process. 
Pressure and tension in the manifesting process equal a lot of doubts because you will be constantly worried if you will be able to manifest your dream job in time or how you will survive before your dream job arrives. 
Having even just a little bit of doubt in the manifesting process is a recipe for failure.
In this case, you will still go to the job that you don't like but you will actively stop looking for a job and continue visualizing and feeling it real and trust that manifesting will bring you your dream job.
In this case, looking for a job is your safety net, because even though you're visualizing your dream job, you're also physically trying to manipulate events to bring you your dream job. That just shows that you don't trust the process.

Not having a hind limb or a backup plan or a safety net doesn't mean that you place yourself in a compromising situation. 

It just means that you don't make extra plans to fall into when manifestation doesn't work. It simply puts you in a position where you have to rely on your desire showing up instead of bailing and going for another alternative.


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