
Showing posts from October, 2021


REMOVE THE VEIL OF THE SENSES The law of assumption is one of the most powerful laws you can use to manifest anything. But for you to use it, you first need to remove the veil of the senses and travel to another world. To remove the veil of the senses we do not employ great effort; the objective world vanishes by turning our attention away from it. Neville Goddard - Out of this world; Chapter 2 (ASSUMPTIONS BECOME FACTS) One of the things that I really like about Neville Goddard teachings, is the simplicity. You have to understand that where your attention is that is where your consciousness will be and that's where the energy of your intention will flow.  You cannot use the law of assumption if your attention is fixed upon this physical reality, you have to travel to another world where there are no restrictions in time and space, a place where everything happens instantly. This is the world that Neville sometimes referred to as the fourth dimension. In this version of reality, yo


  This thing we call reality is all but an illusion, there is a lot to it than what meets the eye. You can manifest anything you want and have incredible success if you understand some basic facts about this universe that we find ourselves in.  However, I have to warn you, this article will be a little bit scientific but I will try to use simpler words for all to understand.  A lot of people place so much significance and importance on their physical senses and what those senses can actually detect.  It's funny how people interact and place so much faith in their physical environment and treat everything else that they can't see, smell, hear, taste or touch as irrelevant. But the real question is, how much can you really trust your physical senses?   YOUR FLAWED SENSES It's has been scientifically proven that the human physical senses are not very unreliable.  Let's say, for example, you intend to write a scientific paper or come up with a scientific theory. You're


You'll have so much success in meditation if you get out of your comfort zone. You should approach meditation with an inquisitive mind and find out how it can impact your life by putting all these concepts to practise.  However, the most important thing to remember for absolute success is focus and discipline because meditation can be a really powerful tool for changing deeply ingrained bad habits. HOW DO YOU GO ABOUT IT Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for a while. If you're new to meditation it's advisable to lie down or sit in a high backed chair which will make it easier if you fall asleep. It's quite common to end up falling asleep during meditation so don't worry, it's not a bad thing at all. Sleep is also beneficial to the body just as much as meditation, it will give your body time to rejuvenate and repair itself. Another important thing is to make sure that you're as comfortable as possible during meditation, you can even use extr


  Have you ever been so nervous for example, you're just about to give a presentation and you felt a strange sensation in your tummy? Or have you ever been in trouble or in danger that you had no way of getting yourself out and you felt a big lump growing in your throat? Or have you ever been so deeply in love with someone that you felt like the centre of your chest was about to explode? Or have you ever been inspired or had a brilliant idea and you felt a tingling sensation at the top of your head or you felt like someone was touching your scalp?   If you have ever experienced any of these sensations then you might have experienced your chakras or energy centres being activated. But the question still remains what exactly are these chakras? But in order to answer this question, we need to first have a closer look at energy and how our human senses detect it.                                                            Image by Okan Caliskan ENERGY AND THE HUMAN SENSES Human beings a


The last 30 days have been completely transformational, I don't even know how to put into words the changes that I have experienced. I'm not new to meditation and I already know the benefits of calming your mind first hand but I had slowly allowed myself to fall out of the habit. That is until I began studying the work of Joe Dispenza and everything just took off on its own and I found myself digging in deeper and deeper. A dear friend of mine always mentioned Joe Dispenza whenever we talked and she often used the term "letting go" and I never really understood what that meant. I thought I knew but man was I wrong! I clearly didn't and the fact was, I really wasn't interested in Joe's work at that time but all that changed when I lost communication with her.  I really missed her and this made me look into Joe work with a new perspective because of her high recommendations. As I was researching about him, I just kept running into stories, one after the othe