A foggy landscape with few scattered trees barely visible

This thing we call reality is all but an illusion, there is a lot to it than what meets the eye. You can manifest anything you want and have incredible success if you understand some basic facts about this universe that we find ourselves in. 

However, I have to warn you, this article will be a little bit scientific but I will try to use simpler words for all to understand. 

A lot of people place so much significance and importance on their physical senses and what those senses can actually detect. 

It's funny how people interact and place so much faith in their physical environment and treat everything else that they can't see, smell, hear, taste or touch as irrelevant. But the real question is, how much can you really trust your physical senses?



It's has been scientifically proven that the human physical senses are not very unreliable. 

Let's say, for example, you intend to write a scientific paper or come up with a scientific theory. You're required to back up your work with real evidence and funny enough the evidence shouldn't come from human senses but should be measured by some sort of an instrument.

That's how unreliable the human senses are, the scientific world doesn't trust them.

Let's explore more.

It's a well-known fact that there are frequencies of light that the human eyes cannot detect but strangely enough, some animals can. 

Human eyesight is not even that great, there are animals that have 10 times the visual acuity and can see a much broader spectrum of colours than what we can. Think about it, human beings can't even see in darkness and are typically blind at night while the vast majority of animals have no problems at all and see extremely well at night.

The range of frequency of sound that the human ear can pick up is really small. For example, very high and very low frequencies of sound are out of range of what the human ear can detect. 

A lot of animals have excellent hearing and can detect sounds from so far away and hear frequencies of sound that humans ears can't pick. 

The human sense of smell is not much better either, some animals have an excellent sense of smell and can detect scents from several kilometres away. 

Which just begs the question, why do people place so much trust on what they can detect with their physical senses even though it has been proven that the information is not so reliable? 



What people consider to be the reality is only the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot more out there. There is so much information that we're missing, information that is out of reach of what we can detect with our physical senses. 

But the funny thing is how people treat what they can't detect with their physical senses as if it doesn't exist. For instance, some birds can detect the magnetic field of the earth and can use it to navigate during migration. 

We live in the 21st century and you would sound incredibly stupid if you said that since the human body cannot detect magnetic fields then that means it doesn't exist? But that is exactly what a lot of people do.

There is a lot of energy out there that the human senses can't detect. Take for instance a big portion of the frequencies of electromagnetic energy. These electromagnetic frequencies are very useful to us and we know they are there because we have equipment that can measure them and we use them daily in our communication devices, we even use them to cook food. The electromagnetic energy forms an important part of our reality. One that we can't detect with our physical senses.

I wonder how the world would look if we were able to detect electromagnetic energy.

It's now clear at this point that just because we can't detect something with our senses doesn't really mean that it doesn't exist. 

However, that's exactly what the majority of people do.


Everything around you that you can detect with your physical senses is energy. Energy is everything, and energy is the only constant in this universe

It is energy that is keeping you alive, it's energy that's animating your body, it's energy that's running your thoughts. 

Your very body is energy and everything that appears solid and real is energy as well. All solids are made up of atoms and atoms themselves are 99% empty space. What may appear solid isn't so solid after all. 

You may have heard of the famous equation  E = mc2 (Energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared) and what this equation means, in a nutshell, is that energy and mass are basically one and the same same thing. 

If you have mass you can have energy and if you have energy you can create mass. A lot of scientific experiments have proven this to be true and atoms of dense matter have been split to release a lot of energy.

And the cool part is when they measure what has been left after the energy has been released they find that it weighs less than the original. So where did that part of mass go? 

This new knowledge that mass was energy led to the development of the atomic bomb and Albert Einstein, the brilliant scientist and genius who came up with this theory deeply regretted urging America to accelerate developing the atomic bomb that was later used as a weapon to annihilate hundreds of thousands of people.

So what exactly is energy? 

No one knows for sure. However, the only thing that we know about energy is that it has some distinct qualities. 

Energy has some sort of vibration or frequency, it can never be created or destroyed and it can transform or change from one vibration or frequency to another. 

So, if energy can change from one form to another and mass is also energy then that means that there is only one substance in the entire universe that can become anything and take any shape and any form. 

Do you get where I'm going with this and what it has to do with manifesting anything you desire?

If not, let me explain in simpler terms. If you learn to manipulate energy you can create anything you desire because energy can transform to be anything and take any form. 

Remember mass and energy are one and the same thing, two sides of the same coin and if you have one you also have the other. It doesn't matter which route or side you take, you always arrive at the same destination.

When it comes to actualizing desires, the vast majority of people prefer manipulating the mass side of things, it's normally called "common sense". Unfortunately, it's a rather cumbersome and time-consuming process.

Since we've already established that mass and energy are the same things, we can also manipulate the energy side of things and arrive at the same destination much faster. When I talk about arriving at a destination, I'm talking about your desire of course.

Before we dive deeper into that let's look at this thing we call reality.


Since everything is energy, our reality is made up of energy that is manifested in layers. Another way to look at it is that these layers are made up of different frequencies or vibrations of energy. I'm not going to go into detail about this because it's out of the scope of this topic. 

In simpler terms, the three-dimensional world is the heaviest or densest layer. Which means it's made of the lowest frequency or vibration of energy. 

Solids are made of the lowest vibrational energy then liquids have a slightly higher vibration then gases have a much, much higher vibration. The higher the vibration the harder and more difficult we're able to detect the energy.

We can tell even with our physical senses that gases are the hardest to detect especially when they have no odour. Very dangerous gases like carbon monoxide are virtually undetectable by our senses and most people who die from carbon monoxide poisoning don't even see it coming.

There are more layers of reality that we can detect with our senses that are of higher frequency than solids or liquids or gases, for example, light and heat energy. However, these are almost on the periphery of what we can finally be able to detect with our senses. Beyond that, our senses are of no use to us and we need special instruments.

It's interesting because science and mathematics already acknowledge that there are more layers of reality that we can't detect known as dimensions. 

It's a well-known fact that beyond the third dimension we have the fourth dimension and beyond that, we have the fifth dimension and so on and so forth. The dimensions that are higher than 3D can be modelled using mathematics and we're able to have a little understanding of how someone living in a 4D or 5D might view the world.

There are so many layers of reality each of higher and higher frequency of energy, going all the way back to the source (The pure energy that created everything, which is the highest frequency of energy that there will ever be or another way to look at it would be, the only substance or the only constant in the universe)

Or maybe the frequency of this energy is infinite and has no end, no one really knows for sure.



Human beings have the power to create anything they want and every time you're visualizing and you see the thing that you desire in vivid detail in your human imagination, you're pulling higher frequencies of energy into lower ones. 

Remember I talked about mass and energy being the same thing and you can arrive at the same destination through either the side of mass or the side energy, now that's what we call creation.

Every time you're able to feel the emotion of already being in possession of your desire, you're manipulating energy. As we have already discussed above, everything is energy including your desire.

And if you do it, you're accessing the higher layers of reality that are out of reach of your senses and you are redirecting energy where you want it to go and causing it to take a different form.  

Do you remember the three distinct qualities of energy that we have already talked about? If not, let me go over them again. Energy has a vibration or frequency to it, it can never be created or destroyed and it can transform or change from one vibration or frequency to another.

So when you visualize and you're lost in your little perfect world where you and your desire are one and in the same place and you can feel already having your desire and your whole body can feel the emotion of joy and satisfaction - you're manipulating energy and changing it from one frequency to another. 

You are redirecting energy in the higher vibrations to solidify and harden into facts as Neville Goddard used to call it. What you're doing is the very act of creation.

Your desire already exists, just because you can't see it yet doesn't contradict the fact. Like we've already seen, there are many things in this reality that we can't see but are there.



Energy has order. In fact, if this wasn't the case then science and mathematics as we know it wouldn't exist. Energy has rules and structures which can easily be predicted with the formulas of physics and mathematics and precise measurement. 

We all know what chaos looks like, but when we look at nature, there's incredible order in it. The planets follow their orbits, the earth rotates on its axis, time always goes forward, the seasons, the behaviour of animals. There are patterns everywhere!

This sort of order points toward one thing - there is an intelligence behind energy that imposes this order. Everyone can tap into this intelligence and create anything they wish if only they knew how.


All possibilities already exist right now, and one of the foundational teachings of Neville Goddard is that creation is already finished. 

What this means is that what you desire already exists in the higher layers or dimensions of reality. Your only work is to make energy flow to you by experiencing this desire in vivid detail in your wonderful human imagination.

I have said this many times but I feel like I have to say it again. Everything is energy, every single thing that is surrounding you is energy, that thing that you desire is also energy. And since energy can't be created or destroyed but only changed from one form to another you're not really creating anything new because creation is already finished.

What you're doing is manipulating energy when you're visualizing and making it change from one form to another and in this case, the form of your desire.

Read more about Creation is finished


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  1. Thank you for explaining it from a scientific point of view I very easily understood it.


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