The Act Of Rearranging The Mind

a stylish couch in a modern living room



We all have the same mind, the mind of God, that unites every single human being. This unified mind is something we all have access to and we can connect to anytime we wish. 

We can go into our imaginal mind or the mind of God or this unified awareness that connects everyone and everything and we can begin to rearrange what we see in there. 

Basically, it's the same way you would rearrange the furniture in your house so that someone walking in would think that they are walking in a different house. Neville used to tell a funny story of how his wife would change the furniture in the house and this is something she used to do regularly, probably like some kind of a joke and he would come into the house and think he was in a different apartment.

The act of rearranging the mind is the creative process of actively imagining what would be different in our lives using the power of assumption. What would the feeling be like if you were the man or woman you want to be? What would it feel like if you got what you desired or if what you desired is a fact right now? 

That is the feeling that you should carry around as you go about your day and you should persevere in this assumption. If an hour later passes and you forget the feeling of your assumption, then you're not persevering in the fulfilment of this desire. 

This means that you are not being true to your assumption and you're acknowledging the world of Caesar over the mind of God which is your wonderful human imagination. It's like looking at yourself in the mirror and forgetting what you look like later on. 

You have to persevere in the assumption if you want to bring it to fruition, otherwise, you will be overcome by this world of Caesar and you will give your power away. 

In this context, Neville Goddard used to call the physical world the "world of Caesar" and if you continue to observe it while at the same time persevering in your imaginal assumption then you're contradicting yourself and you will have a very hard time manifesting the things you desire. 

To have total perseverance then you have to live from within your assumption actualized, you have to see life like you would if your assumption were true.

So, at one time Neville was on the island of Barbados and he wanted to go to Milwaukee where he had made a commitment to give a series of lectures. Once again, he was forced to put what he knew to the test and this is something that he always encouraged his students to do to prove to themselves that it worked. 

So, on this occasion, he wanted to go to Milwaukee but only two small ships were leaving from the tiny island, one carrying 60 passengers and the other 120 passengers and there were literally thousands of people waiting. 

In this instance, it was almost impossible for Neville to get off the island since the ships came to the island only once a month. He had to be in Milwaukee by the first of May, but when he called the shipping agent, he was informed that there was no passage available until the first of September and he was promised to be put on the waiting list which was very long indeed.

So Neville hung up on the phone and sat in his chair in the hotel room, he closed his eyes and assumed that he was boarding the ship with his family and they were walking up the gangplank. He felt himself bobbing up and down as they walked the plank and he smelled the salt of the sea as his brother carried his daughter. 

Then he imagined himself standing in the deck and placing his imaginary hand on the rail and feeling the salt there and then looking nostalgically at the small island. He played this over and over in his mind until he fell asleep. 

Then, literally 24 hours later he received confirmation that he would be sailing on a ship that would reach New York a week before his commitment was due in Milwaukee! On inquiring further he was told that a person had cancelled in New York at the last minute and the person in Barbados who was called on the waiting list in Barbados declined to take the offer. 

So, two unrelated people cancelled their trip so that he could get his passage out of Barbados. Another surprising thing was, why was he the one who was called since he was at the very bottom of the waiting list? 

But, all that happened because he persevered in his assumption of the fact that he was leaving Barbados and he could not allow the external circumstance and his senses to contradict his imaginal reality. 

As a result, a chain of events was created, starting in New York and going all the way to Barbados that enabled him to be on a ship and sail in time and arrive a week earlier before his commitment instead of waiting for four months as he was told by the shipping agent.


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