Creation is finished


a jigsaw puzzle of a hundred dollar bill

One of the questions that people ask when they're first introduced to the law of attraction is how long does it take to manifest what we desire from the moment we start visualizing. And the answer to that is quite simple, it takes no time at all! 

Now, I know this is a little bit confusing and doesn't make a lot of sense right now but continue reading and you will discover why. 

You see, time is an illusion that only exists in this three-dimensional world. Everything that we can see and touch and smell, originated and was first conceptualized and created in the higher dimension or spiritual world or the parallel universe or whatever you call it. 

In the scientific world, this higher dimension is a real thing and they call it the singularity and is the origin of everything before anything existed. In this non-physical place, all matter is infinitely dense to the point where it just vanishes out of our existence and is the primordial birthplace and origin of all the universe.

What this means in simpler terms is, physical matter collapses in on itself until it becomes nothing but pure energy. In this singularity, all the laws of physics as we know them break down and cease to exist so, physical science as we know it becomes irrelevant. 

Although we can't have physical access to this world and neither can science help us understand it we can have access to it through our wonderful human imagination.

In this singularity, everything exists at the same time, there is no past, present or future. So, the concept of time becomes irrelevant. The only time that exists in this place is the present moment. 

Now, let's look at the teachings of Neville and see what he taught about this topic. Neville Goddard frequently mentioned in his lectures that creation is already finished. Everything that we desire or we will ever desire is already here right now at this moment because creation is already finished! 

All the possibilities that we can think of, already exist right now at this moment and we can have access to it through our wonderful human imagination. There isn't anything much that is left for us to do, there is no more work to be done other than to occupy a state. And according to Neville, there are infinite states of consciousness. 

You can choose and occupy any state that you want to at any time that you feel like. And the moment you occupy a state you simply become the very state and you shift your awareness to another separate reality where what you want is already a fact. 


How do you know when you have shifted a state?

You will get an emotional response. 

Have you ever woken up to a beautiful day and you're just going about enjoying your day then, you encounter a horrible person, or you hear some horrible news and immediately your mood changes and your day is ruined?

That's a very good example of changing states and it happens immediately, you will know when you have changed states by getting a strong emotional response.

So what state do you want to enter?

Here's an example that Neville gave. If you're not married and you desire to be married, you can immediately enter a state that signifies that you're married and when you do that, you will feel the love and warmth and presence of your spouse, even though you can't see them yet in your three-dimensional world. 

This feeling that you get is a very real thing. Contrary to other law of attraction teachers out there who say that you have to pretend that you're married or fake it till you make it, you're not really pretending and there's nothing fake about this feeling. This is what sets apart the teachings of Neville from others. 

This is what Neville meant. Whenever you change a state, you choose to go back to the very source of everything in this physical reality and in this case you immediately connect with your husband or wife since everything already exists in this place and the concept of time doesn't exist. 

In short, you experience your desire instantly. The feeling you get is a genuine feeling of being married and it's not because you're pretending to be married. We can even say that this feeling is the very first manifestation of your desire. 

Now, during the great depression, Neville really wanted to escape New York and go to the island of Barbados and he had no money and no way of getting there. All the theatres were closed and since he was a dancer, no one could afford to pay a dancer while they were starving. 

Neville Goddard's mentor Abdullah, told him to see himself already in Barbados. And he refused to discuss, or even allow Neville to bring up any discussion about not being in Barbados. Because he was already in Barbados and when he's already in Barbados there is nothing more to discuss about not being in Barbados. 

Who was this mysterious man called Abdullah?

So, Neville finally took Abdullah's advice and maintained the state of already being in Barbados, but unknown to him a chain of events had already set off that would make his brother who he hadn't spoken to for a while to reach out to him and send him some money and tickets for him to come and visit them in Barbados.

Learn more about how Neville went to Barbados

So, when you change a state you immediately connect with your desire but, you must understand how this world of Caesar, or the three-dimensional world works. 

When you flip a switch, electricity can travel a thousand kilometres in less than a second, it takes no time at all. 

But, for you to physically travel that distance it will take time, that is just the way nature is. You can talk almost instantly on the phone with someone who is 5,000 km away on the other side of the world, but if you physically want to be with that person, guess what? It will take time, a lot of time. There's nothing much we can do about it. 

So back to my opening statement, I hope you now understand why manifesting something takes no time at all. You can connect with your desire in no time at all but you have to understand that it will take time for the physical world to change and rearrange itself to bring your desire to the point where you can see it and touch it. 

Manifesting something is like going on a vacation, you start enjoying the vacation long before you reach your destination. You start enjoying it from the moment you leave your house, during the flight, and all along through the way and that is exactly the way it is with manifestation. You must enjoy the whole process from the time you change your state to the point where the thing you desire is manifested.

So, if you want to manifest something and you're thinking how long will it take or I want it within this particular time frame, or I want it now, then you're already on the wrong path.



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