The last 30 days have been completely transformational, I don't even know how to put into words the changes that I have experienced. I'm not new to meditation and I already know the benefits of calming your mind first hand but I had slowly allowed myself to fall out of the habit. That is until I began studying the work of Joe Dispenza and everything just took off on its own and I found myself digging in deeper and deeper.

A dear friend of mine always mentioned Joe Dispenza whenever we talked and she often used the term "letting go" and I never really understood what that meant. I thought I knew but man was I wrong! I clearly didn't and the fact was, I really wasn't interested in Joe's work at that time but all that changed when I lost communication with her. 

I really missed her and this made me look into Joe work with a new perspective because of her high recommendations. As I was researching about him, I just kept running into stories, one after the other of people who had healed themselves from chronic diseases. You know, those sort of diseases doctors says can't be cured. 

I was also surprised to find that Joe himself was a victim of spinal injury and he claimed to have healed himself from that injury. What I like about Joe Dispenza is how he explains using the language of science how the human mind has the power to heal the body. It seems to me that Joe has a solid base for his claims and he conducts extensive research and has a lot of scientific data to back all this up.

Then, there are the amazing experiences that people share after coming from these one-week retreats that Joe holds for people who have gone through his meditative courses. There are a lot of personal testimonials of self-transformation and of accounts of being healed from all of these diseases. I was surprised at the sort of mystical experiences that these people describe after going through these retreats. It's just something out of this world. 

Apart from relaxation and calming the mind, meditation has the potential to turn your life around but a lot of people don't really have any clue of its power. 


Meditation if done the right way should be an extremely pleasurable, calming and uplifting experience.

Like I said before, I'm not new to meditation and I remember clearly the first extraordinary mystical meditative experience that shook me to the core. 

It was a few years back during one of the normal meditation sessions that I used to do daily while listening to soft piano music. 

Then I become super relaxed, gradually and gradually, to the point where I felt as if a heavy blanket was coming upon my entire body. Now, this was a new experience for me which is funny because at the same time I could also feel my body getting colder and colder, the deeper I got into this relaxation. The cold sensation was strange. it felt exactly the way a chill passes down your spine when you get goosebumps.

Then, I became aware of a different kind of energy moving through my body. This one was warm and it come in pulses which got really fast and intense. Then the top of my head began to tingle, it felt like there were millions of little fingers massaging the scalp. Then immediately after, my body began to vibrate violently. It felt like the type of body spasm somebody has when they're having a seizure. It was a scary experience.

The vibrations were so violent that eventually they snapped me out of my meditation and I woke up with a jerk, heart racing, heavy breathing and my heart was red hot. I just felt like my heart was torn wide open and I felt this intense energy and joy and tears were flowing down my face, it was just so beautiful. I had never experienced such strong emotions in my entire life. My whole body was trembling and I was supercharged with energy afterwards. I felt it the whole entire day.


It took me almost one year of consistent meditation to get to the point where I had the experience I've just described above and it took me by surprise to discover that people who went to Joe Dispenza workshop could do that in less than a week. 

It's incredible! 

The amount of dedication that these people describe is phenomenal, they wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning and they begin to do these meditations led by Joe that last for hours at a time. They continue to do these meditations for the entire day.

It's no wonder that in an environment like this, people claim to get healed of illnesses that have surprised even the doctors themselves. This just goes on to show the kind of achievement you can have if you have the willpower to change your life. Nothing can get in your way if you already have a hint of the amount of power that your mind has.

According to Joe, meditation simply means to become familiar and the purpose of meditation is to become aware of your old limiting habits so that you can change them and get closer and closer to this unified field as he calls it. 

Once you get access to the unified field, you can create any version of yourself that you wish and you will instantly become it. If you're sick, you can create a brand new body that is free from any sort of illness. 

This unified field is known by many names, some call it the fourth dimension, or pure source energy, or your higher self, or your life force, or your wonderful human imagination or whatever you choose to call it. It doesn't really matter. The only thing you need to know is that the unified field is the place where creation happens and it happens instantly.

If you get close to the unified field you will most definitely know - you won't mistake it for anything else. Changes will begin happening to your physical body and you will feel this pure energy that creates worlds flowing through your body and transforming every single cell and fibre of your being. 

That was what I was experiencing during that strange meditative experience I had. At that time, I didn't know what was happening it was a little scary too. All the experiences that I had, the sensation of my body vibrating and feeling like my heart was torn wide open and the tingling sensation on my scalp was an indication that I was close to the unified field.

It's funny because Neville Goddard also described these sort of meditative experiences. Sometimes during meditation, Neville would leave his physical body and go to this other dimension where every single possibility existed and he could see that there was really no separation between people, it was all one energy. Neville would tell people that everyone is yourself pushed out because there was only one consciousness in the universe that connected everyone. The consciousness of God or the I AM or the wonderful human imagination.

Sometimes Neville would tell his students exactly what would happen next and then he would get into deep meditation and create that particular event in his human imagination. Then, he would come out of these meditations and the exact thing would happen right before their eyes. He would tell his students to think of a person they wanted to call him and what they wanted that person to say. 

Then he would get into deep meditation and the phone would ring and the person would call and say the exact same thing. Many of Neville's few selected students that participated in these powerful meditative techniques become millionaires and were extremely wealthy and powerful. Some of them were able to achieve instantaneous manifestations and literally won millions in the lottery overnight.

Strangely enough, people who have gone to these week-long Joe Dispenza retreats describe the same things that Neville did. They describe in clear detail how they were meditating and suddenly they saw everything and they saw how everything fits together and they saw all the possibilities. 

It's funny because some of these people go to the retreats because of curiosity or they just want to have a vacation or have a good time. Some of these people are not super-spiritual or mystical people, in fact, Joe says that the people who have the most success are people who have never meditated in their lives.

The reason for that is because they have no expectations, they just follow the instructions that they are given. By the time these people leave the week-long retreat they describe experiences that will blow your mind.


So, I decided to start meditating daily again and I've been at it for the last 30 days. 

These are my experiences so far.

I feel charged with energy, I feel like I'm on some sort of drug! Sometimes when I'm walking I feel like I'm just floating along. There is a lot of energy in my body and everything seems different and light and airy and laid back. I don't care about deadlines or stressful situations in life anymore, I simply do what I can and let it go.

I feel refreshed and brand new. I've learned to appreciate and enjoy little things that I take for granted. I've realized that there's a lot of beauty in nature. It's breathtaking. 

I feel a lot healthier than before, not that I get sick often but it's a different feeling of well-being. I'm so peaceful, nothing disturbs or bothers me anymore. I'm in a totally different frame of mind and there is no urgency and everything just flows. 

I haven't felt this alive in a long time. I do two mediations every day. I wake up early in the morning and meditate for an hour and then in the evening I do a much longer one. Sometimes if I'm lucky and get the time I squeeze in a third meditation during the day. 

To simply "let go" and to stop trying, or struggling and to surrender to this unified field has been my daily focus and it has rewarded me tremendously. I intend to continue meditating for a whole year then I will update you on the progress and changes that have happened to my life.


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