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The law of assumption is one of the most powerful laws you can use to manifest anything. But for you to use it, you first need to remove the veil of the senses and travel to another world.

To remove the veil of the senses we do not employ great effort; the objective world vanishes by turning our attention away from it. Neville Goddard - Out of this world; Chapter 2 (ASSUMPTIONS BECOME FACTS)

One of the things that I really like about Neville Goddard teachings, is the simplicity. You have to understand that where your attention is that is where your consciousness will be and that's where the energy of your intention will flow. 

You cannot use the law of assumption if your attention is fixed upon this physical reality, you have to travel to another world where there are no restrictions in time and space, a place where everything happens instantly. This is the world that Neville sometimes referred to as the fourth dimension. In this version of reality, your desire already exists.

Most people try to manifest a new reality while at the same time they have their attention fixed on the 3D world, which is a direct contradiction to everything that they're trying to manifest.




Define your ideal and concentrate your attention upon the idea of identifying yourself with your ideal. Assume the feeling of being it, the feeling that would be yours were you already the embodiment of your ideal. Then live and act upon this conviction, this assumption, though denied by the senses, if persisted in, will become fact. Neville Goddard - Out of this world; Chapter 2 (ASSUMPTIONS BECOME FACTS)

 It is as simple as that, you must see yourself from the point of view of already being in possession of your desire. Assume that you have your desire right now, this very moment, whatever your desire might be, see the world as you would see the world if your desire was a fact right now.

If your desire is to have your dream house, ask yourself, "How do I see the world now that I'm already living in my dream house?" Then give it life and vividness and strong emotions until it feels so real to you that it makes you really excited. Do it until you get tears of joy, do it a hundred times, do it a million times, it's all up to you. I don't really care how long you do it, but do it until it becomes a real feeling within you. Do it until it becomes an unmistakable knowing, then you will watch wonderful things unfolding. 

You won't even believe it, they will happen right before your eyes and you will watch with amazement as you find yourself living in your dream house just like you imagined.


"Your senses will deny it" you have to be ready for it because your belief in the 3D reality will try to convince you otherwise. This doesn't mean that there is something you're doing wrong. In fact, quite the contrary. There will be this pull for your focus to return to the 3D world and when it does, you will look around and say, "Where is my desire, or why is it taking so long?" This is a battle that will go on for a while and you have to remember that in order for you to manifest anything into your life, you have to win this battle every single time.

But the question then becomes, how do I succeed in defeating my senses and the answer is persistence.



During the day man enters different states and there are infinite states of consciousness. Anyone can enter any state they wish anytime they want to. 

However, you must understand that the law of assumption requires you to stay in one state throughout the day, the state of your desire already actualized. You might shift your state of consciousness throughout the day, but you have to remember to return to the state where your desire is already a reality. The state that you constantly return to is your dwelling place and that is what will be manifested.

 This is no simple task to accomplish, but when you do, your manifestation will come to you in record time.

Suppose you won a million dollars, how do you think your life will be like? Do you think that everything will go back to the way they were before you won this money? Will you live the same life you lived before you won all this money? 

We all know that if you won a million dollars right now, everything is going to change. This is something that Neville Goddard particularly warned his students about. He would tell them to be really careful about what they wanted to manifest because he would teach them how to get to it. However, once they got their desire they had to live with the changed reality that comes with it.

If you assume that you already have your desire then you have to persist in that desire, because there is no going back to living your life the way you lived before. Remember that creation is already finished and your desire is already here and you have already connected to it. Your job is to maintain this connection throughout your day. 

Let's say that you want to have the million dollars that we've talked about. You have to see how your life is different now that you have all this money. This is not something that you take a break from and return to your normal life and start seeing the world through your senses again. It's a state of consciousness that you persist in until your desire becomes a reality.

When a desire is born inside of you, it becomes a strong passion and a driving force that influences your decisions and way of thinking. It gives a particular meaning to your life and it becomes your identity.  

What I'm trying to say in simpler terms is, you cannot escape your desire because it is a part of who you are. Everyone has different desires because everyone is different in unique ways. If I ask you to describe your dream house and then I ask another person to describe their dream house, they won't be the same because no one wants the same things. 

One person might say they prefer their dream house to be in the countryside, another one might say in the city or the suburbs or even a different country.

This pull towards your desire will only stop once it becomes a reality and trying to get rid of your desire is not going to feel pleasant at all. 

This is exactly what happens when you can't see how you're going to make your desire a reality; it's a horrible feeling. 

However, you have to understand that it's not your job to figure out how your desire is going to be accomplished. You have to assume that you already have your desire and persist in it and make sure that you're taking steps every single day that lead you to the manifestation and actualization of it.

You have to understand that this is where a lot of people fail in manifesting their desires. They close their eyes and visualize really well being in possession of their desire, but when they open their eyes, their attention immediately returns to the 3D reality and they change their state of consciousness and lose contact with their imaginal reality. 

In simple terms, they don't persist in the assumption of their dream being a reality. They are not ready to do the work or put in the effort.

Persisting in your assumption is not doing hundreds of visualizations or affirmations throughout the day, it's a strong emotion of knowing that your imaginal reality is just as real as the physical reality and it's only a matter of time before it shows up.

Persisting in assumption is a choice of living from your imaginal reality instead of allowing your consciousness to return to the 3D reality, it's accessing the power that you already possess and using it to bring your desire from the invisible and intangible to the visible and tangible.



There will be no desire, only satisfaction and fulfilment. How do you feel when you think about your desire? Do you feel a longing or do you feel fulfilment?

If you assume that you are what you want to be your desire is fulfilled, and, in fulfilment, all longing is neutralized. You cannot continue desiring what you have already realized. Your desire is not something you labour to fulfil, it is recognizing something you already possess. It is assuming the feeling of being that which you desire to be. Believing and being are one. - Neville Goddard.

We all know that when we get something that we have desired, we don't desire it anymore. You cannot continue desiring something you already possess. Look around you right now at the things that you once desired that you own. Do you still desire them?

That is how you will know that you have succeeded in persisting in the assumption of your desire being a reality. There will be no desire, only satisfaction and gratitude because you know that your imaginal reality is just as real as physical reality. It's not going to matter which is which, whether it's your desire that is manifested in physical form or your desire in your imaginal reality, you will get the same feelings of contentment and excitement from both.  


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