Do Something Different

a lonely road passing through the woods in the evening

What if I told you that your life can change dramatically in the next six months and, you will be living in a totally different new reality, a world where you're more successful, healthier, wealthier and much happier. Would you believe me? 

So, starting this very moment I want you to do something very different. I want you to become more open-minded to all these possibilities and I want you to start getting excited and plot the course that you want your life to take in the next six months. 

Begin to imagine how you want everything to be, write it down if you want to, it's all up to you. Just be very clear about it because I believe that you're here for a reason. You're not reading this by accident! Whatever reasons that landed you here, this is only the beginning and I want you to start making small steps towards this new reality. 

The first step is reading this, obviously, and gaining knowledge about how you can achieve all of this. So, at this point, I think it's only fair enough for me to introduce you to the teachings of Neville Goddard, which we will be using in great detail to create a brand new reality that we desire. 

Neville himself had many wildly successful students. I can't even begin to describe the success that these people had from his teachings. I have been doing my own research and man, I'm still blown away. Some of Neville's students become millionaires, I mean super millionaires. 

Some won lotteries, some of them got their dream houses right to the tiniest detail, some of them found love and got their dream partners when they thought it was never going to be possible and some of them got lost property back in very mysterious ways - just a lot of incredible stories. 

Neville himself taught people for free and warned his students about paying for knowledge from the so-called mystics of the time, whom he called a fraud. So, there wasn't anything he could gain by making up stories, plus some of the stories he mentioned found themselves in the headlines of newspapers. It's not easy to hide big success stories like those, don't you think?

Some of the people who attended Neville's lectures said that he had only one warning to his students (particularly those he handpicked himself), he would warn them to be careful what they wished for because they would create a new reality and they would have to live in it. 

So, to start moving towards your new ideal reality, you have to see it in your own wonderful human imagination and live from it. 


Begin by visualizing your new life

Visualization is one of the most powerful processes of bringing the non-physical reality in your wonderful human imagination to the physical 3D world. Learn more about visualization here.

So, each day dedicate a portion of your time to visualize and live in this new world that you've created. Become a permanent resident in this world, not a temporary one. Accept this new world as the reality and never take your imaginal eyes off of it. 

But before you can begin visualizing there's something you need to know that makes all the difference. One of the most overlooked and very important aspects of any manifesting process is living in the present moment. I guarantee you that if you begin to live in the present moment right from this moment onwards, you will begin to see changes right away. 

In today's world, many people are sound asleep, many are forever living in the future or they're living in the past and they're not here in the present moment. You have to know that the only time you have the power to change anything about your life is in the present moment. 

But people are constantly worrying and making plans for the future or constantly living in the past by going over all the things that didn't work out, or regretting all the things that they didn't do. The sad thing is that many people bring this attitude over when trying to create a new reality. 

One thing you need to understand is that the process of manifestation is analogous to driving a vehicle. To be successful, first, you must have a destination in mind or you must know where you're going.

Second, you must actively control and direct the car in every instantaneous moment to take the right course to your destination and avoid obstacles. If you focus too much on where you're going instead of what is happening right now, you will not pay attention to the road and you will lose control of the vehicle and not reach your destination. 

Many people are too focused on their desire, (and in this case the end destination) that they forget to control and direct the vehicle in this very moment where everything makes all the difference. Then they wonder why they're not making any progress in creating their dreams. 

Learn to live in the present moment and place very little significance on future events. This doesn't mean that you forget about what you want to manifest, just never obsess over them or be anxious about them showing up. 

Instead, look out for things you have already managed to manifest and place most of your focus on how you're feeling in this very moment. Remember, feeling is the secret to any successful manifestation. 

Whenever there are strong feelings, manifestations happen really fast. You will be surprised at what you'll be able to accomplish within a day or two of strong consistent pure emotions. 

I surprise myself all the time.

One absolute fact that people don't seem to understand is that you don't need to visualize to manifest your dreams, strong emotions alone are enough. Feelings and emotions are the foundation of any manifestation process and they come before anything else. 

One trick that you can use to immediately boost your emotions before any visualization is to bring up one or two of your happy memories. Then, recall these memories until you're feeling ecstatic and absolutely charged with positive emotions.

Do this as long as you want before you begin to visualize your desires. Doing this will make sure that your visualizations are filled with strong and pure positive energy.

When visualizing you should know that what you see in your mind's eye or your wonderful human imagination is real. According to Neville Goddard, creation is already finished. 

If you can conjure something in your wonderful human imagination, it means that it already exists right now in this very moment in a higher dimensional world. It is only a matter of time before it shows up in this world of Caesar or the third-dimensional world. 

Always look at your visualizations as something that has already happened, look at it as a memory. Then repeat the visualization over and over until you feel satisfied that you've connected with your new imaginal reality.

After each visualization let everything go. Find something to distract you from thinking too much about this desire that is yet to come, go for a walk, continue with your daily routine, play a video game, watch your favourite television program. 

Do anything else that will make sure that you don't get to obsess with your desire. However, hold on to the feeling that you felt when you were visualizing and know that it is this emotion that is the most important aspect and not the actual visualization itself. 

The longer you can hold on to this feeling the better. If it's not possible don't worry, just look out for other positive emotions instead. Doing this will make all the difference.

Dare to do something different and starting from this moment going forward, take active control of your life and begin implementing all the tips that I've mentioned and I can guarantee you immediate success.

Stay tuned to this blog because I regularly post resources about the teaching of Neville Goddard that will help you achieve your goal of creating a totally new reality in the next six months.

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