A refreshing drink in a wine glass with three slices of lemon and a straw

So, these are some of the questions I get asked a lot concerning visualization and I mean a lot!

1. How do I visualize correctly?

2. How long do I need to visualize?

3. How many times should I visualize during the day?

4. Help, I can't seem to visualize!

6. Do I need to visualize at a specific time?


These questions come up over and over and I will make sure I cover each question in detail. If you have any other questions concerning visualization that is not included here, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me and I will try to answer each and every one. So, let's dive in.


1. How do I visualize correctly?

First, come up with a small scene beforehand or make a script - the choice is yours. Before you start visualizing make sure that you know exactly what you want to visualize. Play the scene a few times in your mind to make sure that everything is exactly the way that you want it to be.

Never complicate the visualization process. Make the scenes as short as possible and limit each visualization session to only two or three scenes. 

It's not advisable to add more scenes while you're visualizing because you will get distracted by trying to get everything right and you will eventually lose focus of the entire visualization process which is connecting emotionally with your desire.

If you feel like you need to change the scenes just continue with the current visualization until completion then, create another visualization session with the new elements and then visualize separately. It's way better to visualize in small chunks covering many sessions as opposed to one long visualization with a lot of scenes.

After coming up with a scene, make sure you're in a place where you won't be disturbed for a while. Then, sit or lie down and take a few relaxing breaths before you begin bringing the scenes into your imaginal mind and play them as though it's something that's happening now or it's something that had already happened and you're looking at it as a memory.


"If there is something today that you really want in this world, then experience in imagination what you would experience in the flesh were you to realize your goal, and then deafen your ears, and bling your eyes to all that denies the reality of your assumptions." Neville Goddard 1948 lecture


Keep playing the scenes over and over and each time add a little bit of detail until everything is vivid. If you do this correctly, then you will get drawn into the visualization and it will be an exhilarating experience for you.

Remember, you only get one shot at it and if it goes well then all the other visualizations that follow will go well. But, if you keep getting it wrong then you will also keep getting it wrong on all your future visualization sessions as well. It's a cycle that will keep on repeating.


 an illustration of the head of a lion with the mane on one side covered with flowers and plants


Visualization is one of the most powerful manifesting techniques and if you do it correctly you will have no trouble manifesting anything that you desire. It's imperative that you know how to do it correctly because everything that exists was first imagined. It's something that everyone does regularly without even realizing it.


All things exist in the human imagination and everything you see as an objective reality was produced by imagining. Think of one thing, just think of one thing that would simply deny it. You can't think of one thing. So you go to the moon; you first had to imagine it. Had to imagine everything concerning the machine that took you to the moon. Everything in the world, first has to be imagined and then executed. Neville Goddard

Here are some of the signs that you're not visualizing correctly. 

If you feel impatient during the visualization process and you feel like you want your desire right now! Please STOP because this shows that you don't believe that the imaginal act is a real thing and instead you get a strong longing for it and want it even more.   

If you feel discomfort or pain or frustration while visualizing then please STOP because once again you're doing it wrong. You don't believe that the imaginal act is a real thing and so you feel pain or sadness because you notice that you don't already have your desire or, you may even feel like you will never have it. All of these things will cause frustration and pain and you will keep attracting frustration and pain.

However, if you feel excitement during visualization or, you feel contentment or some sort of relief or freedom or, if you feel like your heart is full of love, then you're on the correct path. 

If you feel thankful after visualization, then you already feel like that thing you desire is already yours and you don't want it anymore. If you get those feelings during or after visualization, contentment, thankfulness or relief then congratulations!  

You've finally succeeded in convincing your entire body and your subconscious mind that your desire has already happened.

It's what Neville Goddard referred to as the sabbath. It's a period of rest and relief and letting go and contentment. It's a feeling of knowing that what you want is already here. It's only a matter of time before you will finally experience it in physical form.

2. How long do I need to visualize?

There is no specific time frame for a visualization. It can range from a few seconds to hours it doesn't really matter. I've had experiences where I visualized for a few seconds and still got my desire.

I've also had instances where I've visualized for hours! The funny thing is that I didn't even realize it, I simply lost track of time because I got so drawn into the imaginal act until the physical reality faded from my existence. 

I may have thought that I may have visualized for twenty minutes then I look at the watch and get surprised to realize that I've been at it for two or three hours. 

That is the sort of thing that happens when you get lost in your imaginal world because you're exploring your desire as though it's happening in real-time and getting the thrill and contentment out of your imaginal senses in real-time. 

It becomes a real occurrence for you.

The most important thing is not time, but how believable the imaginal act is to you and you have no doubt. 

Doubt is the number one killer of manifestations because it negates or sets back every single visualization that you do right as you're doing it.

The emotion you get when you visualize is the very first manifestation of your desire and it's instantaneous. 

Remember anything that we desire is because we believe that when we get it, we will feel good. So when you feel good before the desire shows up you're actually experiencing the very desire in reverse. 

It's a shortcut route straight to your desire and it's only a matter of time before you experience the very thing in physical form.

Don't focus on how long it takes to visualize

Instead, focus on the experience and intensity of each visualization. Make sure that every visualization feels real to you and if it doesn't, repeat it again and again until you get it right. 

It may appear a daunting task at first but if you keep doing it, I guarantee you that you will get really good at it.


 colourful smoke


3. How many times should I visualize during the day? 

This is another question that I get asked about a lot.  

You can visualize as many times as you want during the day provided you're not distracted when you're doing so or, you're not experiencing negative emotions while visualizing. 

I think I don't need to tell you the dangers of visualizing while you're experiencing negative emotions because you're going to manifest more of the emotion than the desire you're visualizing itself. 

I used to do a lot of visualizations during the day in the past and got such good results.

I'd do probably about fifty or more visualizations during the day and I would look for a time when I was not busy or occupied and I would do a short scene.

I got really good results from this method and in fact, in some instances, I would even manage to manifest things the very day that I was visualizing

Sometimes I would even manifest them while still visualizing and that was something that always took me by surprise every single time.

Word of Caution  

While you're doing your visualizations during the day please don't get obsessed with visualizing. I've made that mistake in the past and manifested some nasty stuff or kept my manifestations from coming to fruition.

The obsession will only make you hold on to the desire and you will notice its absence even more and want it more and more with each passing day and that is not a good feeling at all. It's a negative feeling of lack and you will keep attracting lack because that's the emotion that's active all the time.

Many of the times I've had incredible results in manifesting my desires are the times where I didn't care whether the manifestation happened or not. And, I have a lot of those experiences and a lot of success as well.

Getting obsessed with visualizing will keep your desires from becoming materialized because you're focused so much on visualizing instead of letting go, or you're too focused on desiring your desire instead of doing what Neville called sabbath. Which is a period of rest where you stop visualizing and move on to other things. 

You will know when you need to stop visualizing because you will get a feeling of fullness in your heart or a feeling of satisfaction and you will desire no more and move on to other things.

This brings us to another question, "How many times do I need to keep visualizing a particular desire before I can let go?"

The answer to that question depends on you. You will know when to stop and this happens when you feel content or, you will feel like you already have the desire and you don't need to visualize anymore.

Neville Goddard called this exploding the desire inside of you and I will talk about it another time. I will probably make another article about it to explain it in full depth.

How many times you visualize is not really a big deal, I've had instances where I'd visualized only once and still got the manifestations. Plenty of times that has happened to me in the past and left me laughing at myself at how easy it was. 

The real reason it's recommended to keep visualizing more than once is that we're not really good at visualizing and so we need to do quite a number of them to make it more effective. 

There is no such thing as a photographic memory and even people with excellent memory often struggle conjuring up images in their mind's eye. 

4. Help I can't seem to visualize!

Just like I've stated above there's no such thing as a photographic memory and so if you can't seem to bring images into your mind's eye then you're not alone. Millions of people also have that problem, me included of course. 

If I haven't seen someone for a long time, probably many years, I will start to forget what they look like slowly by slowly. Unless of course, I look at their photo. 

The image is there somewhere in my head and when I see them in person or I look at their photos I will immediately recognize them. The problem is trying is to bring their image into my mind eye or my imagination it just becomes unclear or blurry.

However, one thing to note is that human beings are excellent visualizers and through a phenomenon known as object permanence, human beings can mentally picture their environment in 3D and pinpoint the accurate locations of objects even if they can't see them.

Just from using the different amplitude of sounds reaching the two ears, human beings are able to derive information about the environment in 3D space and pinpoint where the sound is coming from, the exact location, direction and how far away it is - even while blindfolded.

If you can naturally visualize sound, I'm quite sure you can visualize images as well and to demonstrate that here is an example of a simple exercise I found on the internet a few years that will prove this to you.

So, let's begin. 

In your mind's eye imagine a very sour and fresh lemon, you can probably tell because you can smell it from across the room. Hold the lemon in your hand and feel the rough skin, the colour and the texture. Then, take one half of the lemon and firmly squeeze all the lemon juice into your mouth.

Did your mouth water? 

If it did, then you've convinced yourself that you can visualize with no problem at all. All you have to do is keep practising and you can do this by looking at random objects and trying to recall how they look when you close your eyes.

If you do this many times you will get really good at it.

5. Do I need to visualize at a specific time?

The answer is yes!

According to the teachings of Neville Goddard, you need to visualize in a state akin to sleep. 

Let me elaborate, the state akin to sleep is a state where you're just about to fall asleep. It's a state of deep relaxation that you get right before you start dreaming. It's a drowsy sleep-like state where you're still able to have control over your mind but, you can easily fall asleep if you don't keep your mind engaged.

In fact, Neville always advised his student to keep visualizing in a state akin to sleep until they fell asleep.

In a state akin to sleep the logical mind is easily subdued and so you're less likely to create doubt during the entire visualization experience.

While answering the previous questions that I've already covered above, I've also said that you can visualize at any time that you feel like, at any time during the day and it's something that I still do.

So, is this a contradiction?

The answer is no since each visualization I do is independent of the other ones and I do short visualizations throughout the day. 

However, the main visualizations I do, that is, the ones where I spend a lot of my time and focus on, are the ones that are done in a state akin to sleep when I'm at home and extremely relaxed. These are the types of visualizations that can happen for hours.



a small sail boat sailing on a lake with a big half moon on the horizon


Don't limit yourself

A lot can happen during the day and while I might say that it's much preferable to visualize in a state akin to sleep just like Neville advised, this doesn't necessarily stop you from doing other visualizations during the day just like I do.

I like doing small visualizations during the day because they keep me in a particular state that I want to manifest.

There are unnumbered states and the occupant of one state is not better than the occupant of another, for each is a brother in the highest unity and all are one in the body of God the Father. But the state, the attitude of mind to which you most constantly return, constitutes your dwelling place. If you dwell in self-pity you will express the state, but by occupying that state you are not less than one who has ambitions to enter the White House, or the Vatican as the Pope. The individual desiring an ambitious state is not greater than or less than the one who doesn't know he is in a state and remains subjected to it.

Remember there are infinite states of being and the state you constantly return to is your dwelling place and that is the reality that you will manifest. 


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