an illustration of a person climbing a ladder into the clouds

Climbing the ladder technique is one of the most famous ways of testing that the human imagination actually creates reality. It has been done by millions of people already and it's still interesting to see peoples reactions and their funny stories about climbing the ladder.

It's a technique that Neville Goddard gave to all those who doubted the principles that he taught, or those who were attending his lectures for the first time and didn't know what to expect. It was a solid foundation for those two categories of people to get them started on the idea that the human imagination can actually create the life that they wanted.

Once of course, they could prove to themselves that indeed they did climb a ladder by following the instructions that he gave them.

Let me take you back a little bit, Neville Goddard lectured way back in the '50s and what he was teaching people at that time was unheard of. It was a totally new and different concept and the majority of people might have been somehow sceptical.

Just try to imagine for a second the kind of reaction that Neville might have gotten when he told people that they had a creative power of imagination and that they could change their lives or achieve their desires simply by thinking about it.

Most men are totally unaware of the creative power of imagination and invariably bow before the dictates of facts and accept life on the basis of the world without. But when you discover this creative power within yourself, you will boldly assert the supremacy of imagination and put all things in subjection to it. Neville Goddard

How do you think the majority of people might have reacted?

But, Neville was a practical man and he wanted people to start putting into practise the things that he taught, he wanted people to see for themselves and not take his word for it. He wanted people to actually prove that, "Hey, I've done the exercise and I did indeed climb the ladder so what he's talking about sort of makes sense regardless of what I think."

So, what's all this climbing the ladder technique all about and how can you also do it and prove to yourself that it actually works?


So, let's begin. 

This technique is supposed to be done for a total of three consecutive nights and after that, you're supposed to let it go and forget about it if you can.

Like I mentioned before, it's supposed to be done at night right before you fall asleep and it's supposed to be done in that drowsy, sleepy state, right before you fall asleep and start dreaming.

Have you ever stayed up the whole night and then struggled to keep yourself awake the next day during class or a lecture or a meeting?

That's what we're aiming for.

When I say a sleepy, drowsy state that is what I mean. In this state begin visualizing yourself climbing a ladder. Picture your hands grabbing the rungs and putting one hand in front of the other and putting it up on the next rung and pulling yourself up the ladder one foot after the other.

Imagine climbing the ladder in great detail and visualize yourself going up and down the ladder, each time making the scene as vivid as you possibly can. Continue doing this until you fall asleep.

Falling asleep won't be that hard because remember, you're already in a drowsy state and you probably won't even know when it happens.

The next day you're supposed to put notes all over the house saying, "I will not climb a ladder!" Each time you see a note, remind yourself that you will not climb a ladder, because frankly, who likes climbing ladders? The thing is, it should be a genuine feeling of I don't want to do it.

Let me give you an example, the vast majority of people have a genuine fear of public speaking. Probably you might also have this fear as well. If not, then you must have some sort of fear about something, right?

So, if I told you to put notes around your house saying, "I don't want to speak in front of people." It will be something that you clearly don't want to do. Something that you hate.

Back to the ladder exercise. The next evening repeat the visualization the same way until you fall asleep and you're supposed to do that for a total of three days consecutively then stop doing it and let it go. Probably better if you forget about it too.

Neville Goddard gave lectures once a week and he would tell people (probably people who were meeting him for the first time) to do the ladder exercise and if they indeed climbed a ladder before his next lecture then they were to come back for further instructions.

My funny story climbing the ladder

The first time I read about climbing the ladder exercise, I was immediately defensive because I didn't want to do it. I had enough proof that the law actually works so I didn't have to do it.

However, I continued reading about it with no intention of actually doing it and laughing at all the crazy stories of people climbing the ladder. Each person had a unique story of climbing the ladder in their own way, it was intriguing. But, the funny thing was how everything come together for them to climb the ladder. It was amazing.

What makes my climbing the ladder story also funny, is that I thought that if I didn't do the exercise then I wouldn't have to climb the ladder. I was wrong!

Four days after I had read about the ladder exercise and forgotten about it, I got a call from my dad and he needed me to help him do something. I tried to ask him about it, but he wouldn't tell me over the phone. So I had no choice but to go over and find out what kind of help he needed.

On arrival, I see that he had bought some paint and you can already guess, there was a ladder too! He wanted me to help him paint and you can't do that without a ladder, can you?

Immediately I saw the ladder I just burst out laughing and he asked me, "Hey, what's so funny about painting the house?

Why did I climb the ladder even though I never did the exercise?

The answer is quite simple, strong emotions.

Why do you think Neville told his student's to visualize climbing the ladder then, put notes all over the house denying and negating it, all day long?

It looks like it's a direct contradiction, doesn't it? However, it's not a contradiction at all. You always bring into your experience the thing that you have the strongest emotions about. For most people, negative circumstances or undesirable things trigger strong emotions.

Human beings tend to pay a little bit more attention to negative events, it's a survival thing, an instinct to keep us safe by detecting danger and staying away from it. Why do you think children run and hide behind their parents or cry when they see a new face in the house?

Who do you think taught these little children that unfamiliar things equal danger because of their unpredictable nature? It's a natural reaction. Unfortunately, many people carry this attitude into their adulthood.

That's the reason majority of people resist change when it has been proven over and over that the most successful people in life are the ones that embrace change or take some sort of risks in life consistently. However, that's a topic for another day.

As you've already seen from my story it doesn't really matter whether you did the exercise or not, all that matters is evoking strong emotions and this is the exact method that Neville taught his students that they could manifest anything that they want if they understood that feeling is the secret.

The purpose of visualization is to help you generate strong emotions and if you can find a way of doing that in a genuine way without feeling like it's fake, then you will have no problem changing your immediate reality into one that you actually desire.

So, why not go ahead and try it for yourself.

You can check out another way of proving the law of attraction by observation here:

Begin To Observe Everything





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