Begin To Observe Everything

A man sitting on a wooden box on a sidewalk and looking at the city below

If you want to begin slowly building your faith in the law of attraction, it's a good idea to begin with a little bit of observation. Deliberately begin to objectively observe your life and how your thoughts are shaping your physical reality. 

It is much easier to observe negative thoughts simply because of the way that we have been brought up and programmed to focus on negative things in our environment. That's the reason negativity always sells in the news, other forms of media and politics. 

Negative events get peoples attention and people are much more aware of their environment when they are in fear or when they're angry and so on and so forth. It's not that negative events are stronger or easier to manifest, it's just the way we have built our faith in these negative beliefs and the consequences that they tend to have in our lives. So, that's the reason we are more aware of negative stuff, it's just how everyone has been programmed by society.

You can begin by observing the most recent negative events that have happened to you. The more recent the better, then look back through your day and try to find a similar time that you felt exactly the same way you did when a particular negative event was happening. 

At this point, observe without judgement how events unfolded preceding this negative event and roll back your day as far as you can. What you will find is that you will not have to go back very far during your day to encounter a similar negative event that made you feel exactly the same way. And then another and another and another, until you go back all the way to the very source of this chain of negative events. 

Sometimes you might even go back a couple of days into the past and still find negative events of the same nature that have consistently been recurring.

Most of the time you will be surprised that it's usually a very small thing that sets up in motion this sequence of negative events. For example, someone starts by complaining to you about something and you agree and go like, "Hey that's not fair at all." Or you witness something unpleasant while walking down the street or you just see something negative on the news. 

These might all be random events but, because you unwittingly invested your energy in them, they start to grow in magnitude. And since you don't contradict them, you continue to feed energy into this loop by acknowledging and feeling bad every time a negative event happens. So it grows from a simple negative thought into something big that you can observe in your environment. 

With this in mind, you can start to intentionally feed energy into positive thoughts as well and begin to observe the same result only this time you will watch a chain of positive events instead. In so doing, you will be turning the situation around and using it to your advantage.

So how do you go about it? 

You can begin by selecting a specific thought and in this case, it needs to be something that you want to manifest but at the same time, it's something that you can do without. 

Don't go for something you have a strong desire for, it should be something simple that you're not strongly attached to. 

For example, wanting a text from your crush is a very strong desire, instead, go for something like I want a text from anyone who cares about me. In this case, whether you get the text or not will not really affect you that much the way it would affect you if it was a text from your crush. 

At this stage, we are only manifesting simple things so that we can see how imagining creates reality so that we can build our faith in the whole process. 

Later on, when we have observed how imagining creates reality and we have a lot of faith in the process we can move on to bigger manifestations like the actual text from the crush. 

When we have built our faith we're less likely to doubt the process therefore, we can be more successful in manifesting.



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