Living from the end


an outside corridor

What does living from the end mean? This is a question that gets a lot of people confused because if you're already visualizing your desire then, what exactly is living from the end? 

And yes, you can visualize your desire but still fail to live from the end of your dream fulfilled.

Living from the end is a term coined by Neville Goddard used to describe being totally immersed in the imaginative world to the point where the boundaries between reality and fantasy fade away. Many people treat their imaginations as a fantasy, but living from the end means that there is no separation from the thing imagined and the physical reality. 
In fact, we can even say that living from the end means that the imagined thing is more real than the things you can see and physically interact with. This is because human beings just like God have the power to create and the only way we can create anything is through our own wonderful human imagination. 
Everything we see around us that was created by human beings, buildings, airplanes, cities and even intangible things like music and software, began as an idea and were first conceptualized and created in the wonderful human imagination. You can't create anything without thinking about it and you can't think about it if you can't imagine it.

So, there is a lot of power buried deep within the wonderful human imagination. But, a lot of people don't know how to use this power to create the things that they want. There is a huge difference between imagining something as in a daydream, and actually imagining something with the intent of creating it. 
And living from the end is the only way you can separate the two from each other. 

Living from the end means you choose a particular state that you like, then you enter into that state in your wonderful human imagination and dwell within it. To dwell from within a state means that there is no separation between the state you've entered and the reality you perceive with your senses. 
In fact, you have to constantly see your physical world through the eyes of your wonderful human imagination and not through your physical eyes. And, it's your duty to constantly go back to the state that you want to be manifested, because during the day you are always moving from one state to another and there are infinite states of consciousness. You can choose to move to a different state that you wish at any time. 

For example, let's say that you're having a wonderful day and then someone upsets you. Immediately that happens, you change your state from being happy to upset. The way you know you have shifted a state is when your emotion changes. 
Someone can say something nasty to you and you're not offended, you just laugh it off and you continue having a wonderful day. In this case, the person didn't succeed in changing your state. 
But if someone says something to you and you're offended, it means that you have already changed states because your emotion is different now. 
However, the choice is yours. You can choose to remain in that state and ruin your whole day or you can choose to change your state to what it was before the incident happened and continue having a great day. 
If someone upsets you, do you stay mad at them forever? 

You will eventually change states later on and even forget that you were upset in the first place.
We are constantly changing states but the state that we return to the most is the one that will be manifested because that is where all our creating power will be focused upon. That is what living from the end entails, 
I'm going to leave you with this quote from Neville Goddard. 

"You don't have to remain in a state if you have made a mistake. You can change states morning, noon, and night, but the state to which you most constantly return constitutes your dwelling place."


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