How I was Able To Get Rid of An Annoying Neighbour Using Neville's Teachings

This story begins right around the time that I was introduced to the teachings of Neville. At this point, I was still new to his teachings and also a little sceptical since there wasn't much I understood anyway. And one of my first ever manifestations using the teachings of Neville Goddard was getting rid of an annoying neighbour who would play loud music all night long. 

I still remember with a lot of dread how I would wake up in the morning feeling worse than I did when I went to bed. I hardly ever slept and I would wake up exhausted and run down. At this point, things in my life things weren't great and they just got worse and worse.

 At work things weren't any better, in fact, we got a new HR who would later change everything and become a source of pain and frustration to everyone. Our branch functioned without an HR for quite a long time and there really wasn't a need for one since we were the top-performing branch of the company. 

We did a really good job of managing ourselves and everyone enjoyed working without supervision and as a result, the personal performance of employees at work was excellent. I still remember those days, it was so much fun and work was something I looked forward to every day. 

Then one day we woke up and we had a new HR and everything changed. Our lunch break was shortened and we had to report to work one and a half hours earlier in the morning. 

It was a nightmare! 

Not only that, work became unbearable, the workload was increased and we had to give daily reports. Now, that was something that I hated more than anything in the world. The HR even acknowledged that we were the top-performing branch in the whole company but he needed even more effort and commitment from us which is something that didn't make any sense at all. 

So, you would imagine coming home from all this and not being able to rest and sleep peacefully because the neighbour was blaring music all night long. I was simply stepping from one nightmare into another and I tried everything to make the neighbour turn down the radio, all to no avail. 

I tried everything, I tried to reason, persuade and even report the neighbour but nothing happened. In fact, things got so much worse.

At this point, I had reached the end of the road and that is when I stumbled upon the teachings of Neville Goddard on forums on the internet. I was captivated by tons of successful manifestation stories using the teachings of Neville but most importantly, stories of people who had managed to get rid of their annoying neighbours too. 

I got a lot of inspiration from those stories and Neville's message was all too clear. Don't take anyone's word for it, "Try it out for yourself to test whether it works or not." 

I have to admit, this wasn't the first time I had heard about Neville. I had heard about him a while back but I never really took the time to learn more about his teaching. But now, there wasn't anything to lose since everything I had tried failed. 

So I got into it and began implementing what I had learned and putting it into practise. I still wasn't convinced because I couldn't see how the situation would change. The only thing I wanted at this point was for the neighbour to move out. This was simply asking for too much because the neighbour had lived there for more than six years.

So, after learning about Neville's work as much as I could, I finally put my mind to it and began implementing all I had learned. The first thing I did was to isolate myself from all the noise because it would set me off and make me extremely angry. 

I did by putting on headphones whenever the neighbour was playing loud music. Then I'd play soft and relaxing piano music as I visualized that everything was back to the way they were before and I would see myself coming home and everything would be quiet and peaceful and I would see myself waking up in the morning after a very relaxing and peaceful night. 

The first week was really hard because apart from all the exhaustion and the frustrations of the day, I still had to come home and put on headphones and visualize that I was in a peaceful place while I really wasn't. Then, I also couldn't sleep with the headphones which meant I had to endure the noise the entire night.

But I knew how manifestations work and I knew that this was the only solution, so I went ahead with it. I really didn't have any other alternative.

I had a deep knowing that one day things would change. So, I continued visualizing every time I got home and I would do these nice, little meditative sessions right in the middle of all the noise. As long as I had my headphones on and I was playing soft relaxing music then it didn't bother me much.

I continued this little routine of mine for a whole month and nothing happened! Not even a tiny sign to show me that things were about to change, things were the same and it made me extremely angry. But I never stopped visualizing or meditating. 

In fact, daily relaxing meditations become a habit. There was something so soothing about meditation that would make all the problems that I was going through become a little bit bearable. 

Then about two weeks into the second month, I started noticing things. I would come home and sometimes everything would be quiet, even at night.

There were these periods of complete silence and peace in between and then sometimes the music would begin again. But it didn't bother me that much because finally, this was the sign I needed to see to reassure me that indeed things were beginning to change. 

Then one day about four months later, I heard some activities very early in the morning. It sounded like people moving stuff but I wasn't interested in ruining my sleep on a Saturday morning, so I went back to sleep. 

A week later I realized that I hadn't heard any music at all during the night, which made me wonder.

Then later that same day I met with another neighbour and we chat a little and she says, "Nowadays it's very quiet and peaceful around here, the guy that used to play loud music moved." And that's when it hit me, so that was the reason there wasn't any loud music lately. 

I was overjoyed but I just pretended to be concerned and asked why the neighbour moved. And she said that the guy lost his job and had a lot of debt and couldn't pay rent, so he had to be evicted. And he was really embarrassed about it because of the kind of attitude he had towards other people, so he moved very early in the morning while everyone was still asleep. 

I recalled the activity I had heard early in the morning the previous week, that was him moving. I just couldn't believe it.

I was so relieved that finally I could come home and unwind and relax in peace and most importantly have a peaceful nights sleep. 

That was how I managed to get rid of an annoying neighbour, who was rude and played loud music all night long.

I hope the story inspires you. 


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