Watch Thought Grow

an illustration of a human brain

You can never really manifest anything without believing, it's the core foundation and basic stepping stone to the journey of the manifestation of anything you desire. 

Whatever it is that you want in your life, you have to believe that indeed you can get it. Most importantly, you must believe that the law works and therefore you have the power to get your desire. 

This belief is built by proof. This can only happen by real-life experience. Whether or not you believe that imagining creates reality is not really important, we all believe in something regardless. 

 You may not believe that the law of attraction works but at the same time you believe that life is a struggle and so, it becomes that way. It becomes your experience. 

The law being impartial will help you reinforce this belief that life is a struggle and it will bring you circumstances and events to prove this fact over and over and over until it becomes a normal occurrence for you and you wouldn't doubt it because you will get more proof.

Society has shaped and influenced us in such a way that we are supposed to disregard anything we can't see or touch as non-existent. We've been programmed to rely more on the physical world.

Therefore, we have deeply ingrained beliefs that don't serve us for example, "You have to fight for what you want, or nothing comes easy, or trust no one, or you have to work hard for the things you want, or I'm not good enough." and so on and so forth. 

Some of these beliefs are designed to protect us as we interact with our physical world but on a closer look, they're not really sensible. 

For example, why does life have to be hard, can't it be any different? Why can't life be easy and more enjoyable? 

Why are we told to work so hard but the people who work the hardest are the poorest? And those who don't work hard at all are the richest? It is even more shocking that the richest people on earth don't even work at all. There is a lot of discrepancies when it comes to the beliefs that we have been programmed to accept as normal.

These beliefs have trapped us in a never-ending feedback loop that is not easy to get out of. It starts when we believe something which becomes manifested in our third-dimensional world. Then, we see the manifestation and our initial belief strengthens and more manifestations follow until it becomes our only reality. 

But, to be more successful in manifesting we have to abandon all these beliefs and begin to believe in the universal truth that we have the power to create anything we desire. 

However, it's not just an empty belief, you have to see it at work for yourself.

You need to have first-hand experience in the belief that you have the power to create anything. 

Here's what you can do, you can begin by taking baby steps and start implanting thoughts into your wonderful human subconscious mind and watch it grow until it hardens into fact in your third-dimensional world. 

You can start by implanting thoughts like, "I'm getting free things all the time or random people say hi to me all the time." Implant those thoughts on your mind regularly and watch what happens.

Don't take anyone's word for it, create your own unique experience. Then, when you've been successful in proving to yourself that indeed anything is possible and you have the power to create anything you desire, move on to bigger desires and never stop until you've built the life that you've always dreamed of.


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