How I Attracted My Ideal Friends and Wonderful People Into My LIfe

This story began before I knew of the teachings of Neville Goddard but some of the methods that I used to attract my wonderful friends are similar to what he taught. Please keep that in mind as you continue reading. I also wasn't new to the concept of the law of attraction and I had managed to manifest little things here and there. But, this was one of the huge manifestations that managed to change my life completely and turn my life around in a totally different direction. 

During this period I was going through a nervous breakdown and then when I thought I had seen the worst, disaster struck. Apart from family, literally everyone I knew, every single person I knew was nowhere to be seen. I didn't want much, all I wanted was someone to care enough to ask how I was doing, that all. I had a lot of friends but no one cared. 

However, it was not all gloom and doom and while going through all of this, I had a glimpse of the fact that indeed there are incredible and amazing people in this world, regardless of all the horrible people that I had my life. People reached out to me, total strangers who were eager to help and support. 

I had nothing to give back to them other than my thanks, I just wished I could do more to show them how thankful I was. And this experience would later become my motivation to manifest my ideal friends and wonderful people into my life. But I never learnt my lesson, after all of this was over I still went back to my old friends. Even after all they did and abandoned me at a time of need, I still went back because I had no other friends. Then one day while looking at a photo in a magazine I decided that enough was enough and I had to get rid of these people from my life. 

These people that I called my friends were the worst bunch on the face of the earth. They were extremely selfish, emotionally manipulative, jealous, judgemental and exploitative. It's what I used to call friendship of convenience because if I didn't have anything that would benefit them, they would leave me high and dry. 

The funny thing is that almost everyone I interacted with, behaved exactly the same way, even strangers. This is something that baffled me for a long time. How can people who don't even know each other, behave exactly the same way toward me?

Then one day as I was going through a magazine, I saw a picture of a group of friends. They looked like they were having so much fun. Guys were carrying their girlfriends in their arms, there were people besides a barbecue with drinks in their hands and others were dancing. They looked so happy with smiles and laughter on their faces. There was something about that picture that captivated me, and I decided there and then that I deserved more from life than my current miserable state. So I neatly cut out the picture from the magazine and I also cut some letters that said "GENUINE FRIENDSHIP" and stuck them on top of the picture.

I decided that I needed real change in my life so I took out my phone and started deleting the contacts and addresses of all my fake friends. It was crazy, but I got such a huge relief as I deleted the numbers.

The next few days I hung up when they called or completely ignored their text, I was done, I really needed trustworthy people in my life and I was not going back. I did what Neville used to say "Do not have a hind claw". At that time I hadn't really heard about Neville but that's exactly what I did. If you decide that you're going to change your life using your imagination then you go all the way in without any exit plans or safety nets and that's what I did. 

I remember how I used to guard that picture with religious devotion and looked at it often because it was really what I wanted.

The first week of creating through my imagination was the hardest because I was living my life like I was surrounded by some of the most wonderful people on earth while in reality, I was all alone with no friends. In the beginning, it even felt a little silly, because my senses were screaming at me trying to put me back into reality. 

I even contemplated from time to time that at least I was better off with my fake friends than being alone. But whenever these thoughts emerged I would say to myself, "That is the most stupid thing to ever come into my mind, how is it better to be with people who are not even your friends?, I'm better off alone" and I would continue to live in my imaginal world. I did what Neville used to call "remaining faithful to your imaginal act," again at this time in my life I hadn't heard about Neville.

Then as I continued to remain faithful to my imaginal acts things got easier, at least from the second week onward. It reached a point where I didn't really care about what was happening around me, I was firmly implanted in my imagination and had this feeling of profound peace. 

I really didn't care if the manifestation would happen or not, I simply looked forward to reaching home early so that I could find more time to meditate. About two months later, I started noticing things. They were subtle at first, like strangers greeting me on the street, people I had no recollection of having met before or just waitresses and cashiers going an extra mile to make sure I was served properly.

I also started noticing strange coincidences, like it's raining I step outside and it stops raining or it's raining and I forgot my umbrella and then someone I know calls me out from the other side of the street who has an umbrella. 

My life started going smoothly like there was always someone going out before me and making sure everything was just right. One time I was in the bank, at the back of the queue, I was literally the last person on the line and then a bank teller came straight to me, said hi and asked, "Do you have a form?" I replied "No". Then she told me to follow her, which I did back to her desk. So I filled the form out and she literally did the whole transaction for me while I was seated at her desk, while everyone else waited at the queue, that was so VIP. 

Another time I went to the hardware store and the nice lady there had trouble finding what I wanted, so she proceeded to serve me tea while she looked for it and she really insisted that if I said no that would be like an insult to her. It was crazy and the tea was really good. Now, that was something that had never happened to me in my life before.

But the biggest evidence that I had actually changed my life was the friends, they did not come in one by one like I had expected, they came in all at once, they came overnight. They were the most jovial, upbeat, energetic, down to earth, most positive people I had ever met. They were simply amazing. 

I've had so much fun with these people, we've done some crazy stuff, we've travelled, we've simply lived life. I have a lot of good, wonderful memories with these people and I'm so thankful that I decided enough was enough, and I needed a lot more out of life than what I was getting at the time.

At one point after I manifested my friends, I looked back at my life just 2 months prior and I reckoned that I was living in a completely different universe back then. And I remembered the sorry excuse of people I used to call my friends, the cold, selfish, manipulative, judgemental, grudging and energy-sapping vampires that I had ever encountered, and I was glad I took a stand for myself. 

Sometimes I still wonder how I was able to endure such a wretched lot for all those years. I know the value of real, genuine human interaction and no one should expect any less. 


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