Reasons Why Manifesting Should Be Easy


A vietnamese fisherman propelling a boat in a lake loaded with numerous baskets using a long pole

First of all, before I get into the details, it's important to let you know that every single person out there is already a master at manifestation! It's something we do effortlessly without even realizing and we're really good at it. The biggest problem is that we're really good at manifesting things we don't want, or experiences we don't want to have. 

However, the most important thing is that anyone can turn this situation around and begin manifesting the things that they want and desire with the same relative ease. But, to do so, we need a deeper understanding of the principles taught by Neville Goddard. 

It's imperative to understand what Neville called the law and the promise. A little about that in a moment, but first you have to understand some basic facts.


Manifesting is Easy
I have to say it again, in case you missed it. Manifesting is easy and you're already doing it. In fact, you don't even need to visualize to do so. All you have to do is take a look at your immediate environment and react emotionally to what you see or whatever event is going on around you, that's it. 

That's how the majority of people create their realities. They create by emotion alone and since they don't have control over the emotions they experience, they also have no control over circumstances that show up in their lives.
These people know not the power that they possess because they're sound asleep.

Feeling Is The Secret 
Emotion is the biggest cornerstone of any successful manifestation and by "successful manifestation" I mean both positive and negative manifestations. And, if you're not extremely successful in one then you are in the other, at least that's the way it works. 
I cannot speak for you but, I'm quite sure that at this point you have a fairly good idea of what you're predominantly manifesting and the emotions that you feel most of the time. This is important because like I said before, it's the emotion that has the power here. It's what will keep resurfacing and you will keep on experiencing it over and over. 

Unless of course you break the cycle and start feeling a different emotion.
If you deeply understand this truth, then you will have no problem manifesting anything that you desire. Everything is emotion and emotion is movement. The majority of the most prosperous and wealthy individuals on the face of the planet have manifested their status by their emotions alone; they may not be aware that it's the law in action but that's exactly what happens because they are constantly feeling that life is good and they're more special than everyone else and everything goes their way. 
If you don't believe me look at some of the most successful, powerful and wealthy people you know of - the celebrities, the politicians, the businessmen. They're unlikable people! Most of them are extremely arrogant, they think heaven of themselves and believe that everyone else should be worshipping them.
And guess what? Despite all the scandal and controversy they create, they're still adored by millions. It's the law and they're the operand power and everything they feel must come to fruition.

Don't Chase The Desire, Chase The Emotions 
Neville said,
"If you have a desire, do not let the sun go down in your sleep until you have felt yourself right into the situation of the wish fulfilled." 

You have to really feel what it would feel like were your desire a reality because it's important to understand that you can't manifest something you can't feel. If you don't know what it feels like to have a million dollars, you won't have a million dollars! 
If you cannot conjure the emotions of living in your dream home then, it's not going to happen. You have to practice it until the feeling becomes unmistakable and real. You have to find a way to feel something that you've never experienced before and then when you do that, the very thing will show up in your reality. 

It's that simple.

Do what Neville advised his students, to contemplate having your desire in your wonderful human imagination until satisfaction is yours. You have to feel the emotions of already acquired your desire to the point where you no longer hunger for it. 

"If the hunger persists you did not explode the idea within you, you did not actually succeed in becoming conscious of being that which you wanted to be. There was still that thirst when you come out of the deep." -1948 Lecture

Let me give you an example, suppose there is a special person that you desire and want to attract into your life. Go into your imagination and envision that this person is already yours and you have a beautiful relationship or marriage. You would repeat a simple scene that suggests that this fact is already true and repeat this scene over and over until such a point that you no longer feel desire for this person. 

When that happens it is done.
Think about it, what happens when you have a desire for something and let's say, you save up enough money and go out and buy it. Do you still continue to desire the very thing after you have purchased it?
Absolutely not because you cannot continue to desire something that you already have. That's the point that Neville Goddard was implying when he said that you should hunger no more for your desire after successfully feeling that it's already yours.
It's not the desire that is important it's how you feel when you have the desire. Whatever it is that you want, you want it because of the way that it will make you feel. When you can feel how nice it is to have the desire before you have it then, you will blur the boundaries of reality and move from where you are right now to where your desire already exists. 

If you do that it will quickly materialize and become a part of your physical reality.
If you really understand how the law works then you will deeply know that nothing is really that important. A million dollars is not that much important than 10 dollars, at the end of the day money is just money. 
It's just as easy to manifest a million dollars as it is to manifest 10 dollars, there really isn't anything special between the two. Any sort of importance that we associate with a million dollars are beliefs that we have picked up from our society and these beliefs become our own stumbling blocks when we want to manifest abundance.

We have all heard stories of people who have manifested huge amounts of money almost instantly. People who have moved themselves from homelessness to millions overnight. We have all heard of people who have won millions on the lottery, people who have inherited a fortune from relatives they never even knew existed. 

These are all ordinary people.
We have also heard of people who have come up with a single idea and created businesses that took them from poverty to millions overnight. We have heard stories of millionaires who lost everything and all that they possessed either taken by the banks or auctioned to pay their debts. Yet, these people have been able to start afresh from penniless to millions again within a very short time.
A few years back I was watching this documentary about the super-rich who lost it all. I can't remember the name of this documentary but I can clearly remember the scenes. Sort of like the way the most memorable scenes of a movie stick with you even when you can't remember the movie.

The most amazing thing about these millionaires that lost it all, was how they got to work as soon as they lost the money. One particular millionaire that they interviewed was literally penniless and he had to borrow 20 pounds, from that he was able to pay back the debt within a very short time and make even more money from it. 
He built an entire business off of 20 pounds that were borrowed. Now, that's an impressive and inspiring story. I don't know about you, but I like stories like these because they show me that I can start from virtually nothing and still succeed if I have the right attitude. 

These millionaires and billionaires had a different attitude and it was not about the money. They didn't worship money they simply used it to make things work and make even more money along the way. 

These millionaires proved that even if you took money from them, you wouldn't crash their spirit, they will still rise up from the ashes because although you can take the millions from the millionaire, you can't take the millionaire from the millions because it's a state of mind.
These super-rich people had a strong resolve to make things work and they didn't waste time complaining about all the money they had lost, which is what most people would do in that kind of situation. They simply got to work and brought themselves the same wealth they had lost.
If these people can do it, you also can do it because there isn't anything special about them. The law of attraction really doesn't respect size or importance the way we do and if you deeply understand this truth you will be amazed at how easy it is to manifest things you desire.

So take a step back and release all significance and attachment you may have towards your desire and watch the bridge of incidence unfold right before your eyes and bring you the very thing that you desire to your physical reality. 
This is because when you release all significance, you're removing all of the blocks that you have subconsciously placed in your path that stop or slow down how the law operates.

You Are God
I don't think you'd be here if you did not believe in God, and the God to whom all things are possible. But maybe we stop right there and we separate man from God, and my purpose is to show you that we are not two, that we are One - that God actually became man, that man may become God. Neville Goddard Excerpt
Many people don't know their true nature because every single one of us is God resurrected in this human form. If every single one of us is God, then we are one and the same being and because of this, everyone is yourself pushed out! 
There is nothing like the other person, we are one and the same person. Since we are God, we have the power to create anything we desire and how we do that is through our own wonderful human imagination which is Christ dwelling inside of us.

If you really know that indeed you're the victor and not the victim then you have the power to turn any situation around to that which you desire. If you really believe that you are God resurrected in this human form, then you will quickly realize that you don't need anything or anyone outside of yourself to make you whole and complete. 
This is one of the hardest concepts of the law to understand, but if you fully grasp it, you will find peace within while you wait for what you desire to show up in your outer reality without being bothered that it's not there yet. 
You will be grateful and whole just the way you are right now and what you've managed to achieve so far. 
The Present Moment
If you deeply understand your true nature and the power that you possess within you, and if you know that nothing is as serious as it looks and you really don't need anything outside of yourself to make you complete, then you will live each present moment in total satisfaction and gratitude. 
You will get much more than you hoped for, things will work in your favour and you will glide through life with effortless ease. You will achieve impossible things, you will have instant manifestations and you will desire nothing because what you desire will always show up in your physical reality without fail. 

Story Time
Manifesting things we desire can be easy if you have the right attitude. For you to understand how easy, I just have to share one of my experiences of how I was able to achieve the impossible using the law and power of assumption. 

One day while walking home from school, I saw these sleek brown leather shoes displayed inside a shop window. I had never really owned brown leather shoes, so I desired to have them because they were very stylish and they seemed just about the right size. 
However, when I looked at the price I was shocked because they easily cost about six times the price of a pair of black leather shoes. There was no way I could afford them since I was a student and buying one would be considered a luxury since I could get six pairs of black leather shoes for that price. 

Prior to this, I had just recently watched the movie "The Secret" and if you've watched the film then you might recall that there is a scene where a young woman desires a beautiful necklace and she is gazing at it displayed inside a shop window and imagining she is wearing the necklace. 
Later on, we see that someone else who had bought the necklace is giving it to her as a present and that's how she managed to manifest it. I was really eager to put manifestation to the test so when I reached home, I just imagined that I was wearing the brown leather shoes and how comfortable and stylish they felt on my feet. I also imagined polishing them with brown shoe polish until they shone and I was very satisfied with their look. 

At this point, I didn't know what to expect since I was new to this law of attraction concept so I really wasn't attached to having the shoes nor did I care that I would get them or not, it was only a game that I was playing to see if it worked or not. 

The next day which was a Saturday when I got home, we had a visitor. I immediately recognized the woman, it was the lady from the shoe shop. My heart began beating very fast as my mother said, "Speaking of the devil, we were just talking about you, please try on these shoes. 
If they fit, I will buy them, if they don't, well today isn't your lucky day." When I looked at the shoes they were exactly the same brown shoes I desired and they fit really well too, just like I had imagined. 

So my mom paid her and the lady left. When I asked my mother how much the shoes had cost, I couldn't believe it. She had paid half price; not half the price of the brown shoes but half the price of black ones. She told me that the lady was clearing stock at her shop and she was selling shoes at a throw-away price to make room for new stock that had arrived.

When I asked her how she knew the lady from the shop, she told me they had just met.

Turns out they had a mutual friend who managed to convince her that a friend of hers had a son and the shoes would be a perfect fit. 
And so she convinced her to carry the pair when she closed her shop and that's how she landed in our home with the shoes and I happened to come home at just the right time because my mom was somehow convinced the shoes wouldn't fit. 
I couldn't believe it, less than 24 hours after imagining I was literally wearing them. I was ecstatic and I kept looking at the shoes like they would suddenly disappear and pop out of existence just as fast as they had come in, but they didn't, they were as real as everything else around me.
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  1. Pedro Morales GaviriaJuly 1, 2022 at 4:47 PM

    These stories are so uplifing! if it hadn't happened to me several times in such miraculous ways I would not believe them. Manifesting is an art and a game that empowers us every time we manage to create the reality we want


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