a sail boat on a fantasy sea

Visualizing according to Neville Goddard is quite a simple process. All you have to do is sit down in a chair or lie down on the bed and make sure that you're comfortable and in an environment where you won't be disturbed for a while. 

Then bring into your mind's eye or your wonderful human imagination, images that imply that what you desire is already a fact. How would you feel if you were the man or woman that you want to be? What would it feel like if you got your desire or how would it feel if your desire were a fact right now? 

It's important to keep everything short and simple. Then play over and over in your imagination a short scene that implies that what you desire is a fact. In fact, the shorter the scene the better, never complicate the visualization process by continually adding more scenes to it as you go along. Doing this will cause you to stray and shift your attention and focus to other things.

So, it's recommended that you come up with a short scene beforehand and practice it before you start visualizing. Then close your eyes and repeat the scene over and over, each time making it feel as real as possible. 
If you do this properly then you will notice that each time you do a scene it becomes more and more realistic. Remember, the most important thing is to aim for your visualization to be realistic. 
Continue repeating the scene until you fall asleep and then it's done. 

That's all there is to it. 

Your visualization has to feel real and there's no way around it because you cannot lie to your subconscious.
You can't lie to yourself that your visualizations feel real when in reality, it doesn't. If you're still not convinced that your visualization is real then you must continue doing it until it feels real beyond any reasonable doubt. 
When this happens you will certainly know. 

It may be hard in the beginning but I promise you the more you do it, the easier it will get. If you maintain focus and do it consistently it will become easier and more engaging.
Learn more about visualization here:

Let me give you an example of how I managed to attract my specific person. So, there was this girl that I was really into and had a huge crush on. But, the problem was that she didn't feel the same way. She just wasn't interested. 
So, during my visualizations, I'd imagine that she was my girlfriend. I had this particular scene where she would tell me that she loved me and she would wrap her arms around me. And I would look into her eyes and I would see the eyes of a woman so much in love and she would smile and look like the happiest woman on earth. 
I would repeat this scene over and over and every time I did it, it felt different and more real. To the point where I could actually smell her hair and feel the warmth of her body and even hear her breathe. I would even hear her heart beating and see the little hairs on her arms and even see a single strand of hair on her eyebrow. It was intense. 

That is how real it was for me and every time I did it, it felt more real and detailed. I would do these visualizations and get lost in another world where only me and her existed. 
Not only that, I really enjoyed doing these visualizations. I even drew a picture of this scene and I would look at it often whenever I was in a place where I couldn't visualize. It was a real experience for me to the point where if someone asked if I had a girlfriend, I would literally stop myself from saying YES. 

It took a considerable amount of effort not to say she was my girlfriend because it was so real to me. 

At this point, I had cut all ties with her and avoided her as much as I could. Then about two months later, I'm just going about my day and I look into my email and there is a message from her. I couldn't believe it, this girl didn't want anything to do with me and this was the first time ever that she had contacted me! 
The message read, "Hey, where did you go? I miss you." It was crazy because I thought she had somehow sent the email by mistake, but that was only the beginning of things to come and things started happening that would eventually bring us together in ways I had never imagined.

It's important to note that the aim of every visualization should be to feel real. Neville Goddard made it clear that creation is already finished. 

That means that everything you desire already exists in this very moment in another alternate reality or parallel dimension and there isn't much that you can do other than to be the very thing. 
The only way you can become the very thing is by changing your state through visualization. That's the only way that you can experience this desire that already exists. In fact, you can even say that the feeling you get while visualizing is a very real thing and is quite literally the very first manifestation of your desire. 
So ask yourself, "How would it feel if I were the man or woman that I desire to be?" Then proceed to create a short scene that implies that what you desire is already a fact, then bring it in your mind's eye and play it over and over, each time making it more and more real until you fall asleep. Then soon, you will see things slowly start to change and rearrange themselves around you and bring you the very thing that you desire right into your lap without you ever doing a thing.


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